Love is...Strangers in the Lab

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April slowly crept around the side of Donnie's lab. She put her had slightly on the wall as she walked, as if scanning for any flaws to find a way in. Leo, Mikey, and Raph all followed her in curiously, wondering what she was plotting.

"What're you doing?" Leo whispered, April completely ignoring him.

She continued to walk until she paused, her eyes slightly widening, her unconscious frown eventually turning into a smirk, "Got it." She spoke softly and she tapped on the wall twice, "I'm basically a genius." She shrugged as a small compartment opened, showing a small walkway.

"What the hell?" Leo questioned, "how did you know that existed."

"Donnie showed me this a while ago. He said to only use it if we needed to reach him in an emergency. But this is basically an emergency, so it still works."

"This is why we keep you around." Raph chuckled as he stepped into the compartment first, he was extremely squished, but he needed to know what his brother and (Y/N) were up to.

As the 4 teens snuck into the lab, the sound of female laughter grew as they continued walking, "what's so funny?" Mikey asked.

"Probably something about the Pythagorean Atheneum." Leo said with a fake lisp, as if imitating a nerd, earning a chuckle from April.

"It's Pythagorean Thereum." April corrected him and sighed.

They continued to crawl until an alarm sounded. Their eyes widened and they frantically looked back to see Mikey awkwardly smiling, holding a wire, "it got caught in my shell! It's not my fault." He whispered.

They all groaned as a large thud was heard and they saw Donnie's face appearing on a screen that dropped down.

"Hello siblings...and April. I've been aware of your attempts to spy on me for the last 20 minutes, but I've been humoring you. However, now I'm asking you to exit the passageway, or I will make you." He shrugged, "toodles." He waved and the TV screen shot back up into the lab.

A numerous amount of curses were yelled in response to the electronic message that was previously displayed in front on the group. All of them scurried out of the passage and ran to Leo's room.

"What are we going to do?" Mikey asked, "I need to know what's happening!" He whined.

"I don't know, maybe try calling (Y/N)?" Leo shrugged, "she seems pretty open about why she doesn't like Donnie. Maybe that'll help."

"Bet." April smirked and quickly clicked on her contact.

The group of teens gathered around the phone and waited impatiently for her to answer. Eventually, she picked up.

"Hey April, what's up?" She asked, her voice cutting in and out.

"What're you and Donnie doing right now?" April quickly asked.

"What do you mean? I left the lair like a while ago. Donnie seemed pretty rushed to make me leave, which was weird. But, yeah. I'm not even there." She chuckled.

"What? Then who was Donnie giggling with?" Leo yelled, snatching April's phone.

"I don't know man, but I'm busy right now so I will call y'all back. See ya!" (Y/N) said before hanging up.

"What the hell is going on in that lab of his?" Raph asked as he looked through the door to the entrance of the lab.

The Anti-Romantics: A ROTTMNT Donnie x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now