Love is...Mystery Dates and Heartbreak

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The final bell rang and (Y/N) left class as fast as she could without running. She usually ran out but she knew that the principal was roaming the halls. She only knew that because he visited one of her classes today.

As soon as (Y/N) walked out of the front door, she sprinted down the sidewalk, until she ran out of breath. She looked down at her watch and groaned, she took 20 seconds to run and then she was out of breath. Obviously, she was a scientist, not an athlete.

"Why am I in such a hurry?" She asked herself.

(Y/N) looked at her watch, it was only 2:00 pm, she basically had all day. She sighed heavily and started to walk at a slow pace, she was trying to remember where the lair was, there were so many manholes in NYC, it was useless trying to tell based off of that.

(Y/N) unlocked her phone and scrolled down her contact list. She clicked 'April' and waited for her to answer. However, it went straight to voicemail. (Y/N) sighed and scrolled farther down to find 'Donnie'. She doesn't exactly remember how she got his number, but she had it and needed to call him. The phone rang for a few minutes before someone picked it up.

"Hey (Y/N)! What's up!" A voice said.

"Who is this?" She asked.

"It's Mikey! I stole Donnie's phone."

"Oh okay, could you send me the lairs coordinates? April asked me to come over."

"I don't know how to do that. Let me ask Leo." Mikey huffed.

"Okay, I'll wait." (Y/N) tapped her foot.

She started to wander around the sidewalk and go on different paths trying to pass time, when she bumped into someone. She looked up to see Jacob standing over her, a small frown on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." (Y/N) muttered quickly and started to walk away, but he pulled her arm back.

"Hey, if you're not busy... actually, " he paused, "are you...seeing anyone?" He questioned.

"No. I don't want to either, goodbye." (Y/N) turned around, only to be pulled again.

"How about you try just one date? With me? Please?" He smirked.

(Y/N) could admit that she thought he was kind of cute. Obviously, she didn't want to date him, but one date wouldn't hurt. (Y/N) stared at her phone and hung up, then she put it in her pocket.

"Fine. One date. That's it." She poked his chest and laughed.

"Yes! You won't regret this! Follow me!" He exclaimed as he grabbed her hand and ran.

They continued to run for about 5 or 10 minutes until Jacob abruptly stopped, causing (Y/N) to fall into him. He caught her and smirked, again.

"You can stop smirking every time you do something that makes you feel manly." She chuckled.

'Why am I laughing so much?' She asked herself.

"Welcome! To the best pizza place in New York!" Jacob yelled as he opened the door, "ladies first."

"What a gentleman." (Y/N) said sarcastically.

"I try." Jacob winked.

The two teens sat down at a small booth and ordered their food on a tablet at their table. However, meanwhile at the lair, April was waiting impatiently for (Y/N).

"Where is she?" April asked Mikey, who was sitting next to her.

"She called Donnie's phone earlier but hung when some guy started talking to her." Mikey shrugged.

"Did you hear anything he said?"

"He said something about a date and seeing people, I think." Mikey said.

"Damn it! Jacob!" April groaned.

"Who's Jacob?" A voice said in the distance.

"Who said that?!" Mikey yelled.

"Your brother, Donnie." Donnie slapped Mikey's forehead and sat down.

"It's some guy that has a crush on (Y/N) in our class. He told me earlier he was going to ask her out today. She might be with him." April paced around the room nervously.

"Why're so nervous?" Mikey asked.

"Jacob is a player. He likes to break girls' hearts for fun and then spreads dumb rumors about them. I don't want him to do that to (Y/N)." April stomped her foot.

"I could track her phone if you want." Donnie interrupted.

"Actually...can you? Please?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll go get my tablet." He said, standing up and heading back to the lab.

"I've never seen him offer to track someone that quickly before. Usually it's a last resort, unless he's tracking one of us." Mikey said.

"Hmm, that's weird." April smirked.

There was an awkward silence that was shared until Donnie ran in with his tablet, his tracking app was already fully running, and a heart with the name "(Y/N)'s phone" above it.

"Why is there a heart as her icon?" April asked, pointing at the screen.

"It was the only emoticon that was left." Donnie mumbled.

"I'm sure that's definitely the case." April rolled her eyes and smiled, "where is she at right now?"

"She's at..." Donnie started, but Mikey interrupted him.

"The best pizza place in New York City! They're at Lou Mike Tony's Pizza!"

"Thank you Mikey." Donnie rolled his eyes, sarcasm laced in his tone.

Mikey smiled and clicked on the heart icon on the screen. A small pop-up showed up that read:

Would you like to view this site through a camera?

Click- YES or NO

Mikey clicked yes and a camera view popped up, giving them a view of (Y/N) and Jacob in a booth.

"I can't believe he asked her out." April mumbled.

Donnie watched as (Y/N) smiled at Jacob, he clicked the Hear Audio button to hear what must've been so interesting.

(Y/N) and Jacob engaged in an animated conversation, their faces clearly glowing with excitement.

"So, Jacob, tell me more about your hobbies. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?" (Y/N) asked, she figured that engaging in conversation couldn't hurt, maybe this could be interesting.

"Well, besides having great conversations with beautiful women like yourself," Jacob chuckled and leaned closer to (Y/N), "I enjoy playing guitar and exploring new hiking trails. But honestly, I'd rather spend my time getting to know you better." He winked.

(Y/N) sighed and rolled here eyes, "that's sweet of you, Jacob. I appreciate your interest. Let's keep the focus on getting to know each other, okay?" (Y/N) put on an uncomfortable smile.

Jacob leaned in closer, "absolutely, (Y/N). But I can't help but be drawn to your magnetic presence. You have a way of captivating me." He smirked.

Donnie could tell through the camera that (Y/N) was slightly uncomfortable, but also kind of happy. What the hell?

"Thank you for the compliment, Jacob. Let's keep the conversation light and enjoy our time together." Donnie heard her (Y/N) through the camera.

Donnie watched as Jacob leaned in and kissed her passionately, and the security camera captures the moment.

April gasped, "Whoa! That escalated quickly. Did he just...?"

Donnie internally gasped and yelled. He was pissed. He didn't know why, or how, but he was mad. Eventually, after staring at the tablet blankly, he threw it on the couch and walked away.

"Oh boy." April sighed.

The Anti-Romantics: A ROTTMNT Donnie x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now