Chapter 9

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Crowley woke up next to a more peaceful sound, the sound of someone speaking. At first, as he lay there with his eyes closed, he assumed it was morning and Healer Adriel had come by. But after listening for a few seconds, he realized that Halt was sobbing.

Crowley instantly sat bolt upright, eyes flying open, wondering if he was hearing that right. Halt – crying? It didn't seem possible.

Halt was lying on his bed, clearly asleep but still sobbing and muttering to himself. "I am so sorry, Caitlyn. I must leave. It isn't safe. It's for the best." Slowly Crowley got out of bed and walked over to Halt.

Halt was startled awake by a loud noise near his ear, and he jumped, opening his eyes to find Crowley moving away, having clapped next to his ear to awaken him.

"What is it?" Halt asked groggily, not entirely sane at that moment.

"You had a nightmare." Crowley said shortly, turning on his heel to go bank up the fire again.

"Oh." Halt felt the wetness on his cheeks and frowned, touching a finger to it then licking it, realizing that it was salty.

"I was crying." Halt realized just what had disturbed Crowley that much. Crowley silently nodded, knowing Halt couldn't see him. "Did I say anything?"

Crowley sighed and took a deep breath before answering. Seeing his reserved, indomitable best friend in tears had shaken him more than he cared to admit. "You talked about having to leave. You were talking to someone called Caitlyn."

"That's another memory." Halt whispered, mostly to himself as he recoiled in shock. He hadn't thought about his sister in months, so why was he having nightmares about her?

Crowley threw himself back on his bed, exhausted. "Try once more to sleep, Halt, if you get another nightmare, we'll get a drug to make you sleep without dreams." Halt glanced at his friend, who was rubbing his head hard, trying to make his blasted headache go away, and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Crowley."

This time, there was no answer. 

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