Chapter 16

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It had been over a week since Crowley died. Halt had awoken about a day after Crowley died, but by then, the men had disposed of Crowley's body – most likely burnt it to hide the evidence or thrown it in a river – and they had stolen a cart and horses to carry the unconscious Halt and three of the soldiers. Adriel had to walk, and two of the soldiers walked with him, though they swapped every few hours. The leader never took a turn, Adriel noted.

When Halt awoke, they put made him walk until he collapsed, physically unable to walk any further, so then they let him rest for another day before forcing him to walk behind the cart with Adriel.

Adriel had told Halt about Crowley's death, and winced at the amount of pain that the young Ranger's eyes were filled with once he heard, pain that turned to anger, then determination. That determination was seemingly the only thing keeping Halt going, they hadn't had enough food, water or rest in days, but Halt was still walking, his eyes still filled with cold fury that had started when Adriel told him that Crowley was dead.

Adriel had long since given up all hope – no one knew they were gone, or where they were going, no one was coming after them – and was exhausted and on the verge of collapse when they called a halt at about lunchtime.

Both men were gagged and tied both hand and foot, Adriel slumping against a tree and Halt was seated upright against the same tree, watching the men carefully, gaze unwavering. The men were slightly frightened of Halt, and his cool, steady gaze that was always watching them, and the silent anger that flared sometimes, normally when the soldiers shoved Adriel for fun.

It was then that Halt heard a noise in the forest and stiffened instinctively. Adriel sensed the change in his posture and opened his eyes wearily to glance at him.

There was the hiss of an arrow being released, and a pointy projectile flew just above Halt's head, embedding itself in one of the men's chests. He fell to the floor as two more arrows sped past Halt, who didn't flinch but kept facing forward, watching as the archer killed two more men. Adriel glanced back and gasped in horror.

Halt didn't look back even as the last man fumbled for a crossbow, but an arrow embedded itself in his heard before he could put an arrow to the crossbow string.

"Could've done it quicker, Crowley." Halt remarked, having spat the gag out of his mouth as the Ranger walked up, whipping the saxe out of its place on his belt and cutting Adriel's bonds.

"I could also have skewered you, if you liked." Crowley retorted, walked over, throwing his hood back.

Adriel looked at him in shock. He was dressed in full, tidy Ranger uniform, complete with bow and saxe, and both of those had been taken and destroyed by the men in black. But he didn't spend too long questioning how Crowley had gotten equipment; he was more stunned that Crowley was alive. "It worked? I didn't think it would work! It was a guess!" Halt nodded his thanks as his bonds were cut and he properly removed the cloth from around his mouth.

"What worked?" Halt asked, turning to Adriel and Crowley.

"I gave him something that would slow his heartbeat down so they'd think he was dead, but it easily could have been too much, and he could have died. I thought he'd died." Adriel's eyes were still wide. "How did you know it was him?"

"I didn't think he was dead." Halt said plainly, accepting Crowley's arm to get to his feet. "Was this all part of your test? The whole capture by Morgarath thing?" Crowley frowned.

"So it was Morgarath." He sighed. "I feared so. But no that wasn't my plan." Crowley admitted to Halt's delight.

"So you don't get everything right!"

Crowley sighed. "No, I don't." Halt just smirked and gave Adriel a hand up, before leaning against the tree trunk tiredly.

"I'm sick of being captured. Can we just head back to Araluen and not wait around here anymore?" Halt asked Crowley, Adriel watching in silence. Crowley frowned.

"I don't think so. You look tired and hungry." Halt's eyes narrowed.

"I'm fine." He insisted, and both Crowley and Adriel fixed him with stares, one eyebrow raised.

"Well, your nightmares have gone, so you don't need to stay too long." The relief in Crowley's face was unmistakable at Adriel's words. He had forgotten about Halt's nightmares, but that meant that he'd actually had proper rest, even if it wasn't enough

"Three days." Crowley stated.

"One day." Halt bargained carefully.

"Two and a half days."

"One day."

"Two days."

"Half a day."

"Not a chance, Halt. Two days. Take it or we're staying a week. And then you will rest at Araluen Castle." Crowley glared at Halt, while Halt smirked.

"Two days." He agreed. That was what he'd wanted, he'd gone lower to convince Crowley to lower his time. Sometimes Crowley never realized how he was being manipulated.

"I assume you can get back safely, Adriel." Halt turned to Adriel. "Should we accompany him back?" Halt turned to Crowley, frowning.

"Berrigan can do it." Crowley shrugged calmly.

"What do you mean by Berrigan can- oh." Halt noted the other Ranger, who stepped out of the trees, nodding a greeting to Halt.

"Hello, Halt."

"It's good to see you again, Berrigan." Halt nodded to him, as Adriel's eyes widened. He was totally out of his depth with these Rangers, but this explained how Crowley got a bow and clean clothes, his old shirt had a knife hole in it and his cloak was torn and tattered.

Crowley suddenly smirked. "Hey Berrigan, did you hear what Halt said about you?" Berrigan frowned as Halt's eyes widened.


"He said you were too respectful." Berrigan chuckled out loud, walking closer as Halt began to edge away.

"I've got to say, I agree, Halt. I am too respectful. But then, as everyone else would agree, you are too insolent." 

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