Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hey Readers! I just wanted to let you guys know that the reader is in her senior year of high school or College (if you are from the UK like me x). I was uncomfortable with the idea of writing about the character being under the age of 18 for this story so I did start it off with character already being aged 18! Anyways hope you all enjoy x Let the story begin!...

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(or whatever name you want it to be)


1 Year ago~

A deadly plague had broke out within your country and across the seas. Some people died and some were hospitalised. The rate of deaths kept increasing everyday. The world government decided to keep all citizens under lockdown for atleast a year until the virus calmed down. This also led to students being held back a year academically. That meant no school for a year. But soon enough, the virus was close to gone and everything started to go back to normal. You were finally enrolled into your second year of college.

Current day ~

"(Y/n)!! You silly girl! Get up or you will be late on your first day back" Shouted your mother Jade (L/n).

As soon as you heard your mum shouting, you jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to freshen up. You fixed your hair and put on some light makeup for the first day back at college after a whole year.

You ran down the stairs and into the dining room in a rush. Your household maid Roselyn had got the table ready with breakfast.

"Good morning miss (y/n). Breakfast is served", said the maid politely.
"Morning Roselyn", you said with a smile.

"For the love of god (y/n), Roselyn just ironed your uniform this morning and you have already creased it. You must look presentable on your first day back!" Shouted your angry mother.

"I'm sorry mum, but I really didn't ask to go to a private school I wanted to go to a normal public school where school uniform isn't needed! Sucks to be me right now!" You shouted back.

"Watch your tone with me young lady. I have sacrificed a lot to get you into this prestigious school, you should be happy. That is one of the highest ranked and is the most expensive school in the grand line. You will get the best education there. Do you understand? Also please don't spoil your uniform, that costs a lot too", she replied.

"Yes mummy", you said as you took a bite into your favourite selection of patisserie and sipped on your coffee.

"Good, once you finish eating breakfast, get in the car, I will drop you off today before heading to work", she said.

After you finished your breakfast, you got into the passenger seat as your mother drove you to school. The journey on the way was quiet until your mum broke the silence.

"Now listen (y/n), this is your final year so please don't disappoint me. I expect to see good grades from you". And please stop hanging around with that Nami girl. She is quite the bad influence.

"But she is my best friend...I can't just stop being friends with her", you said with a grumpy expression.

"I know I may seem harsh here, but everything I am doing is for the best. Your good for nothing father left us to be with some other female and left us with nothing to survive on. It took me a couple of years to get to where I am today and that is why I want you to become independent so that you don't ever have to depend on anyone. So please focus on your education (y/n). Do you understand my dear child?"

"Yes mum, I will keep that in mind", you said.

"You know you can always depend on me for money, your luxury things and all sorts but I won't always be here forever (y/n). You will have to fend for yourself someday", your mother said.

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