Chapter 12

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That evening you sat down at dinner with your mum and played with the food on your plate instead of eating it.

"Is something the matter darling? Did something happen at school?", Your mother asked.

"No not really...I'm just really tired today I guess..", you said faking a yawn.

" a little bit more, then you can go to bed and get some rest", she said with a smile.

You took a few more spoonfulls of your dinner and head to your bedroom. You got into the shower, brushed your teeth and slipped into a nightgown before getting into bed.

You tried to sleep yet you kept tossing and turning thinking about how doffy approached you today. Your heart ached at the thought of him. In all honesty you still loved him so much that it hurt to be away from him for so long. By the time you closed your eyes it hit almost 2am.

By this time everyone in your household was fast asleep.


Doffy and some of his family members approached your house around 2:30am, the atmosphere was eerie, dark and cold.

I really don't want to do this (y/n) but I will do anything to make you mine~ thought doffy smirking with an evil look.

"Alright then, Gladius, Dellinger are you guys ready for the plan?", doffy asked smiling.

"Yes young master!", they both responded.

"Giolla, you get the car ready to drive off once we get a hold of my baby girl", instructed doffy.

She nodded and agreed to his commands.

They quietly made their way to your backyard and unlocked the back door slowly.

"You guys know what to do, bring the mother to (y/n's) room. If she resists beat some sense into her if you have to but don't kill her", *fufufuufu* He said laughing like a menace.

Dellinger and Gladius split up with doffy while he made his way to your room.

Once he got to your room he saw you sleeping peacefully. He removed the blanket gently and stared at your figure. He licked his lips with the sight of you.

You definitely belong to me (y/n), and no one has the right to take you away from me~ he thought smiling at your sleeping fragile body.

In the other bedroom~

Dellinger and Gladius walked into your mothers bedroom. She was fast asleep. Dellinger quickly put a tape across her mouth which caused her to wake up. She looked horrified at the 2 men and quickly got up. She tried fighting them off and muffled through the tape but Gladius tied her hands and legs up with chains and brought her to your bedroom.

When they entered your bedroom Jade saw doflamingo towering over her daughters body. This infuriated her but she was helpless. She could only scream through the tape which was also futile. The chains shackled as she kept trying to get free from them.

All this noise woke you up. You slowly opened your eyes to see doffy standing above you. You then look to the corner of the room to see your mother tied up with chains and a tape across her mouth which caused to jump and immediately run to her.

"Mum!!", you said taking the tape of her mouth. You turned around to look at doffy with anger and sadness at the same time.

"Doffy let her go now!", you demanded.

"No...I don't think I want to do that", he said with his evil smile.

He came closer to you grabbing your arm and pulled you to his waist. Your mother looked up in fear.

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