Chapter 4

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The next morning ~ 7:00am

You woke up after a really long sleep which was meant to be a small nap but it turned into a long slumber. You went downstairs for breakfast and you saw your mother sitting down waiting for you to join her for breakfast.

"Morning mother", you said.

"Morning (y/n), looks like you got yourself a beauty sleep", she responded with a smile.

Maybe I should ask her about Kid's party, she seems like she is in a good mood. You thought.

"Yes I did and erm there was something I wanted to ask you..", you said nervously.

"...Is it possible to go to Eustass Kids house party on friday? it's at 6pm"

Your mother stopped sipping her tea and put the cup down.
"A houseparty is something I despise (y/n)...these kids start drinking and doing drugs and all sorts of bizzare things at parties like that and I will not allow my daughter to get into those bad habits",

"But mum, you have not allowed me to go to a single party with my friends since I was under the age of 18. I'm 18 now so please let me go just this once. I will be responsible I promise", you said pleading your mum.

"Alright fine, just this once but if I hear you have abused any drugs missy, you will be grounded. Anyways I will come to pick you up if you need, just drop me a text", she said.

"Omg yay! Thank you so muchh!!", you said hugging her tightly.

"Alright well I'm off to work today, if you need anything give me a call", she said.

"I will...oh and who is second in charge at your workplace in case I can't get through to you when I call the office", you said curiously.

"His name is Rob Lucci and his contact number is in my phone book, now anything else you want to know before I leave?" She asked.

"No that's all thanks...have a good day", you said

"And you too dear".

As soon as your mother left for work you quickly gave Nami a call.

Nami picks up the call~

"Hey (y/n) what's up?" She asked.
"Hey! My mum is actually allowing me to go the party this friday!"
"That's great!! Should we go shopping to buy some new outfits for the party?!"
"Yeah sure, let's meet up at my place in 30 minutes", you said.
"Great! I'll be there shortly", said Nami as she hung up the phone.


Shortly after your doorbell rang, you met up with Nami to go shopping.

"I'm so excited for you (y/n). This is going to be your first house party! Are you excited to get drunk out of your mind", she screamed with joy.

"Woah calm down I won't be drinking much I promised my mum I would be responsible", you said.

"Oh come on (y/n)! What's the fun in that?!"

"Yeah and my mum would kill me if I chose an outfit that reveals too much skin", you said

"Ugh now I know why your mum hates me haha I love wearing sexy revealing outfits whenever I get the chance", Nami said laughing.

"Yeah my mum is a very elegant lady I suppose", you responded giggling.


You both then walked into a shop that sells dresses for special occasions and parties. You looked at all the beautiful dresses. It was hard to choose which one to pick.

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