Chapter 5

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"Cool we have ride! Your mum may be strict but deep down she seems like a badass", said Nami with a smile.

"She's quite the lady isn't she haha", you said as you both got into the car.


You arrived in front of Eustass Kid's house. You can already hear the loud music taking over the neighbourhood. His house was like a mansion. You both admired the lights around his house and knocked on the door.

Kid opens the door and is left speechless. You looked like a supermodel.

"DAMN! You look freaking AMAZING!! (y/n)!...Come on in and welcome to my humble abode", said Kid with a smirk.

"Thank you Eustass", you said with a smile.

"Hey yo losers listen up! My favourite guest has entered the house let's give up some noise tonight for our special guest (y/n)!!"

The crowed raged with cheerful screams.

"(y/n)!!"(y/n)!!"(y/n)!!" They all cheered for you.

"Kid what are you doing?! I don't want all this attention on me you weirdo?!!" You shouted out.

"What (y/n)? I can't help myself with you looking this gorgeous. I want everyone to know you're mine", he said with a smirk.

"Ugh get over yourself Kid she would rather die than be with you", Nami said laughing.

"Nami don't be jealous because I have eyes for (y/n) and not you" he said with a big ego.

"Ew.. please I already have a boyfriend who is much better than you!" Nami spat out.

You both walked past kid and met up with the others.

"Hey Luffy, Zoro and Sanji!! How are you all?!" You shouted out excited to see them.

"Hey (y/n) I don't know about zoro and sanji but I'm just here for the food", laughed luffy

Sanji passed out from nosebleed after seeing you and Nami.

"And there goes that perverted chef...(y/n) you look great by the way", said Zoro already tipsy from the alcohol.

"Thanks Zoro", you said with a smile blushing.

The music was very loud and everyone was dancing and drinking. Nami walked around the house and found a leaflet on the table from a bar/club that had a special offer on drinks. She quickly headed back to you.

"Oh my god (y/n) look there is a bar near town that has super cheap drinks on offer today!! We should totally go and down some cocktails", said Nami

"Wait I don't think that's a good idea, I think we should stay here to be safe. Also Kid has a whole bar here we don't need to go there", you said.

"Girl! It's a whole new experience at a real bar (y/n)! Let's go have a few drinks and we will be back!! Come on let's go!", Nami said as she grabbed your hand and made her way out of the house. You were then called out by Eustass kid.

"Hey (y/n)! why are you leaving? You just got here" asked Kid.

"Don't worry we are just meeting up with some other friends we will be back soon!", you said as you and Nami rushed your way to the bar. Kid was now mad because you left without spending time with him.


You both enter the club and go to the bar to get a couple drinks. You both downed atleast 5 cocktails by now and you started getting quite drunk.

"N...nami....hehe this is so... much fun but i think little...dr-runk", you said giggling away.

"It's the first time I've seen you this drunk haha", said Nami waffling away.

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