Chapter 2

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Next day at college~


You walked into class feeling extremely sleepy. "I should have not stayed up until 5am binging on tv shows ugh", you said to yourself. You put your head down on the desk and fell asleep.

Nami walked in and sat beside you and on the other side besides you sat down an annoying student named Eustass Kid.

"What is up with (y/n) today?", asked Kid to Nami.

"I don't know she was probably up all night watching tv shows again", Nami responded with a giggle.

Kid was known as the biggest bully in that college but also the most popular. He had a lot of confidence and had plenty of girlfriends but he was interested in one girl and that was you. Which is why he always sat besides you every class.

"Hey Coby, you nerd give me your pen", said Kid spitting his chewed gum at him.

"B-but thats the only pen I have, to make notes", said a nervous Coby.

"Do you have a death wish Coby?! I said give me your pen or get your ass kicked during break", said Kid with anger.

Coby handed him the pen out of fear.

"Thats more like it nerd". He said laughing like a maniac.

A kind Vivi handed Coby another pen.

"Thank you Vivi", said Coby with a smile.


Doflamingo walked in with a cheery mood hoping to see (y/n) again. He looked around the classroom to then find you with your head down sleeping away like a princess. He only grinned but did not say anything.

"Now class, today we will be watching a documentary on how the economy works. I'd like you to all take notes on what you have learnt from the video by the end of today's lesson", Said Doflamingo.

He put the video on the class board and sat on his desk reading a book. He took a few glances at you who was still fast asleep.


It was almost time for break and Nami was trying to wake you up but you wouldnt budge. Doflamingo watches the whole thing and finally stands up to speak.

"Alright class is dismissed, please put your name down on the paper and hand in your notes to me before you leave, oh...and Nami there is no need to wake your friend up, I will deal with her", said doffy with the same grin. Nami nodded and left the class after handing her notes in.

Everyone left the class and you were still knocked out in a deep sleep. Doflamingo grabbed a ruler and walked up to your desk.

~TAP TAP TAP~ He tapped the ruler on your desk until you suddenly got up looking confused. You rubbed your eyes and yawned.

"Huh?...Where everyone?", You said looking lost.

"Everyone has finished class and have gone for break (y/n). Sleeping during my class is unacceptable", said doffy.

"W-what...I'm so s-sorry sir I-"
Suddenly doflamingo put his hand over your mouth. You looked up at him shocked. Your eyes widened.

"No more excuses (y/n), half an hour detention for you after school and if you even think about missing it, I will inform Principle Garp about your behaviour in my class", he said.

"Sir, I'm really sorry, please don't do this, my mum will be so mad if she finds out I had detention", you said anxiously.

"And whose fault is it hmm? (y/n)?", he asked.

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