Chapter 11

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Once you got home you ran straight upstairs to your room and slammed your bedroom door shut. You huddled into bed starting to cry again.

"We are not done here (y/n)!! I still have things to discuss with you!", shouted your mother

There was no response from you. Your mum then barged into your room.

"Go away! I don't want to speak to anyone right now!", you shouted at her while crying.

"I will be downstairs when you are ready to talk and no phone for you until I see you change", Jade said as she snatched your phone from you taking it away.

She walked back downstairs and sat at the dining table stressing about this whole situation.

"Roselyn please get me a cup of coffee", Jade said to the household maid.

"Here you go madam", said Roselyn placing the cup of coffee on the table.

Your mother sipped on the coffee until she had enough time to calm down. That video kept repeating in her head which traumatised her.

"How dare he take my little girls innocence away", she said in a low voice.


You turned the shower on to clear your thoughts and to calm your nerves down. You watched some TV in your bedroom and took a nap. You woke up with a clear head.

Soon, you went downstairs ready to have a talk with your mum. You sat down on the dinner table opposite your mum who was reading a book.

"Are you finally ready to talk (y/n)", she asked putting her glasses down slightly looking at you.

"Yes...I am", you replied back.

"After everything I have taught you, you still did everything I have asked you not to do (y/n)", she said.

You looked down at the table without saying anything.

"I'm sorry mother...", was all you could say.

"Did you atleast use protection when you first slept with him (y/n)?", she asked.

"", you said nervously.

"Are you serious?! he must have slept with many other people before you judging from his age. The first thing you should have done was ask him to use protection! And you better not be pregnant especially with his child!", your mother shouted.

"No mother, I'm not pregnant, I took a pill to prevent the pregnancy. And I'm sorry again, we didn't think about using protection at the time, it just sort of happened".

Your mother sighs in distress not knowing what to do about this.

"I have to say (y/n) this whole thing will not be easy to forget. That video of that filthy man doing all sorts of things to you won't leave my head. It's truly disgusting.", she said

"Why are you saying it like he forced himself onto me, I agreed to do all those things with him because I really love him and he loves me too so why can't you just let us be?" You said.

"Because you are still young and naive, he is a grown man on the other hand. He knew what he was doing to you and he should have not done that! What you fell for is not love (y/n) it was just a moment of temporary lust!", your mother said.

"You don't know anything about him, he loves me I know it!", you shouted out.

"Listen (y/n) that man has only used you. Nothing good will come out being with him. I'm doing this for your sake. And also I will be enrolling you into a public school starting from next week and this will be your last chance to prove yourself right", she said.

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