Chapter 3

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1:00pm ~In the cafeteria~

Eustass Kid got up on the cafeteria table and start clapping his hands to get everyones attention.

"Hey yo! Listen up you losers! My parents are going on a business trip this weekend so I'm inviting everyone to my house party this friday night at 6pm", he announced trying to look cool while flicking his hair back.

"Woohoooo!!" The students cheered.

He jumped off the table and walked closer towards you and Nami.

"Hey (y/n). You better not miss my house party. You're my one and only special guest", he said with a smirk.

"Sorry Kid, I will have to ask my mum for permission, she despises things like that", you said in return.

"Oh come on live a little (y/n). We will come and help you sneak out if you need us". He said smiling

"Yes (y/n) it will be so fun we have to go!!", said Nami jumping with excitement.

"I'll see if I can convince her", you said.

"ALRIGHT LETS GET THIS PARTY ON!!!" Shouted Kid with his confident laugh.

The whole cafeteria cheered on for Eustass kid.

"Kid!! Kid!! Kid!!" The crowd of students shouted.

"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?!" Shouted Principle Garp Walking in extremely annoyed from the noise.
"If you have all finished your lunch, then you better get back to class the lot of you!" He demanded.

Everyone ran away avoiding his anger.

"Hey Nami I'm going to use the bathroom real quick you can go ahead and save me a seat next to you for the final class", you said with a smile

"Sure (y/n) I'll do that!" She said.

As you headed for the bathroom in a rush you bump into the devilishly handsome doflamingo. The bump caused him to stumble his coffee all over your shirt.

"Argh..." you screamed as the hot coffee dropped on you seeping through your white shirt, you then look up to see doflamingo.

"Sorry Mr Donquixote, I didnt see you there", you said. For some reason your heart started to race seeing him.

"Oh shoot (y/n)!! Are you alright?! That coffee was really hot let me take you the first aid room". He said concerned.

As you both entered the medical room, doflamingo looked around to see if anyone was around. He then placed you on the bed and covered the area with curtains. He bought in the medical tray full of first aid supplies.

"Hmm seems like the nurse has gone home for the day. Looks like I'll have to take care of you myself", said doflamingo with his smile.

Your face heated up and you were blushing from how close he was to you.

"I..I can do it on my own don't worry doffy".

"Shhh stay still", he said in a seductive voice. You could feel his breath on your neck as he was crouched down to your level.

He slowly took off your tight small blazer that hugged your waist and placed it on the side. And then he removed your tie and started to slowly unbutton your shirt. You felt your heart beating so fast, you had butterflies in your stomach. The way he touched you, you felt like you were going to melt.

As he opened up your shirt he saw your chest exposed. You were wearing a pink laced bra which cupped your breast perfectly. This made him almost lose his mind. He wanted to hold and grab onto your breasts so bad but he had to refrain himself.

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