Chapter 6

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Saturday morning 9:30am~

Your head felt quite heavy so you slipped into the shower to refresh your mind. You rubbed the soap all over your body and remembered doflamingo touching you. You blushed thinking of him and how much of a big crush you have on him now, even though he is much older and is your teacher.

You wrapped yourself in a towel and got out of the shower. You got dressed and looked into the mirror horrified.

You let out a gasp after seeing Doffy had left his mark on you.

"Oh no the hickey...from doffy.. last night... I have to hide this from mum before she kills me", you said looking worried.

You dried your wet hair and brushed it to the front to cover the marks on your neck. You then slowly went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning (y/n), how was the party last night? I fell asleep waiting for you to get home", your mother said.

"Well it was really fun I got to meet all my other friends who are studying different subjects", you said nervously hoping your mum doesn't notice your neck.

"Why do you look so uneasy? Did something happen?"

"No...I think its the drinks I had last night...they are making me feel a bit queasy", you said.

"..hmm well Roselyn made some lemon iced tea, drink it, that should help you feel a bit better", said your mother.

All of a sudden a gush of wind flew through the open window and blew your hair back. Your eyes widened. Your mother looked at the marks on your neck.


"(y/n)?! That better not be what I think it is", she shouted out.

"N-no...I-I can explain" you said anxiously.

"Who did that to you?! I want to know which uncivilised person did that to my daughter...this is dirty behaviour (y/n)", said your mum in an angry tone.

Shoot! I should have covered it with makeup!! Why was the window open today out of all days! Are you serious?! Just my luck!~ you thought.

"'s nothing ...we were both drunk and we kissed that's all", you said.

"Who was it (y/n)? Answer my question?" She said sternly.

"It was just a boy from school I forgot his name", you said.

Your mother took a deep breath to calm down.

"You have really done it this time! No more parties for you (y/n). Is that clear?!"

"Mum, it was a kiss what's the big deal?"

"That disgusting mark is not just a kiss, it is something very lustful and intimate, very impure! So, I'm guessing you either have a boyfriend you are hiding from me or whoever did that to you is clearly using you for his own desires!", your mother said in a serious tone.

I wonder if Doffy really wants me to be his. I mean it's true me and Doffy are attracted to eachother with a lot of sexual chemistry between us but is that all there is to it? Does he even like me the way I like him?~ you day dreamed in your thoughts.

"Are you even listening to me (y/n)?!" Spat out your mother with anger.

"Yes I can hear you mother and no I don't have a boyfriend! Now, please can you just let this go?!", you spat out with frustration.

"I sent you to school to become a better person not to become the town tart!".

"Okay that's enough mum relax...I wont be going to anymore parties okay? There, you happy?"

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