Chapter 9🍋

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Next day at school~ 8:00am

*knock knock*

"Come in", said Principle Garp snacking on his rice crackers.

Crocodile walked in and greeted the Principle.
"Hello Principle Garp, I actually wanted to report something very unusual going on between Mr.Donquixote and our student (y/n)", he said.

"What do you mean?!", said Garp looking confused.

"I think they have some sort of a romantic relationship with eachother", said Crocodile.

"What nonsense is this?! (y/n) is 18 and Mr.Donquixote is 41. And there is also a strict policy in our school. Teachers are not allowed to date their students!Vise versa. It goes against the law!", Garp spat out in frustration.

"Look I have a photograph from yesterday after school, they left together in his car", said crocodile showing him the snapshot.

Garp looked shocked, he pulled the picture more near to his eyes to get a clear view.

"This picture is not good enough evidence. Maybe we need to install a hidden camera in his classroom or something", said Garp suggesting ideas.

Crocodile and Garp both agreed to install a hidden camera in Doflamingo's class before he arrived at school.

"Alright, that is set, you can check the footage today afterschool, I promised to take my grandson Luffy fishing today so I won't be available. But, let's pray we don't find anything weird", said Garp to Crocodile before returning to his office.

Crocodile nodded and walked back to his classroom.


Doflamingo scanned the classroom smiling hoping to see you but you weren't there.

I wonder where she is?~ doffy thought.

"Nami do you know where (y/n) is today?", he asked.

"I think she may be running a little late today Mr.Donquixote", responded Nami.

Doflamingo nodded and got on with teaching the class.


You stumbled into class very late. Everyone turned their heads to look at you including doffy.

"I'm sorry I'm late Mr.Donquixote, I-", you couldn't finish your sentence as doffy had interrupted.

"(Y/n) you are late once again, you will have to stay behind during break to catch up what we missed, now go take a seat", said doflamingo sternly.

He was obviously happy to see you but had to put on a show in front of the others.


Soon it was break time and you were left alone in class with doffy. Both of you had no idea you guys were being secretly recorded.

Doflamingo got up and locked the door before approaching you.

"I was starting to think I f*cked you so hard yesterday evening that you had trouble getting up today (y/n) fufufufu", laughed Doflamingo.

"I'm sorry Doffy...I will admit I was very sore in the morning but I actually just overslept and lost track of time", you said.

"Well I hope you got your beauty sleep baby girl", he said grinning at you.

"I did doffy don't worry", you said with a smile.

Doffy came closer to you and picked you up and put you on top your desk. You both started kissing eachother deeply. You and him could not keep your hands off eachother. Your tongue played with his as he put his hand down your skirt and played with your clit again.

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