Chapter 10

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The next morning at school~ 9:10am

Crocodile walked into the office getting his things ready to show the footage to Principle Garp. He signed in to the computer and connected the SD card and opened up the footage.

"Ugh where is Principle Garp he is always running late", said crocodile. He walked out of the room and started to look for him around the school building.

Doflamingo's class~ 9:15am

"Eustass Kid, stop fooling around and go get the worksheets from the office please. I printed it and left it on the desk yesterday", said doffy.

Eustass shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the office. He picked up the stack of worksheets when he suddenly took a glimpse at the computer screen that caught his attention.

"Huh?.. Why is there a video of our class with Mr.Donquixote?" Kid said looking confused.
He put the worksheets down and quickly pressed play to watch the video, he was skipping the video until he saw you and doflamingo alone. He looked confused at first but soon Kid's eyes widened. He put his hands over his mouth looking shocked. He was heartbroken but felt heartless at the same time.

"DAMNNN!! she f*cked our teacher in class...that sh*t is crazy!!!", Kid said.

He then came to a sudden realisation which hurt his pride and ego. At that moment he had a sudden urge to do something evil.

"So that's why you rejected me?! The most popular boy in school to f*ck that old ass freakshow! I can't believe you broke my heart (y/n) be with that psychopath looking demon. Oh would be unfair to keep this video to myself...ahahaha", laughed kid like a menace.

He quickly logged into his email on the computer and sent the link of the footage to your entire year group, including your teacher and even worse your mother's email too.

"Heheh...when her mother finds out about this, she is so dead. Those two will never get to be together", said Eustass while laughing.


Meanwhile in Doflamingo's class:


Everyone in the class started getting a notification on their phone. Including you Nami and Doffy. Everyone looked confused but decided to press on the link.

You can hear people gossiping and saying.
"omg that's (y/n) and Mr.Donquixote"

Your face widened after hearing those words. You and Nami quickly opened the link. You already guessed what it was going to be. You were literally living your nightmare in real life.

Doflamingo also played the video on his phone.
"Huh? Who the hell planted a hidden camera in this classroom?", doffy said in a low voice looking annoyed.

The students all get to the part were you and doflamingo start to get imtimate. They all gasp in shock...

Some students put the volume on the loudest setting.

All you can hear from the video is you and doffy moaning:

"F*ck (y/n) why do you have to feel so good ah.."

"Ahh...doffy...your d*ck...f..feels so"

Everyone stared at you and doflamingo with the most disturbed look ever. Doflamingo also felt embarrassed but all he cared about is how you were feeling right now.

You and doffy both made eye contact with eachother but that was all there was to it. You looked away feeling angry and heartbroken.

"Oh no...(y/n)..", said Nami feeling heartbroken for you. Tears started streaming down your face.

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