Chapter 7

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Monday Evening 5:00pm~

You were watching tv at home in the living room when you decided to give Doffy a text.

You: Hey Doffy, it's (y/n), I hope you're doing okay♡

Doflamingo: Hello my cutie, I am just finishing up some work at school, I will be going home soon. I will text you later in the evening x

You: okay great well I'll speak to you later then x

Doflamingo: speak to you soon baby girl♡

You smiled at his messages until you heard the keys to your front door open knowing it was your mother back from work. You quickly locked your phone and pretended to watch TV.

Your mother walked into the living room looking distressed.

"(y/n) will stop hanging out with Nami and I mean it this time! That girl will bring you down and take away all the years of effort I put in for your future", she said.

Uh oh...did she find out about Nami's boyfriend?~You thought.

"And don't even pretend like you don't know what I am talking about! Because I also went to school once too (y/n), I know best friends tell eachother everything", your mother said.

"...well mum, yes I did know but that's her life. I don't really care what she does as long as she's happy. She's not going through the best time either", you replied.

"(y/n) do you understand the dynamics of this situation?! That girl is 18, Rob Lucci is 30 it just doesn't make any sense to me", she said.

"Well maybe it doesn't make sense to you but it does to them. I mean he is looking after her too so what's wrong with that? He gives her everything she needs", you argued.

"And that's exactly the fear I have for you (y/n). You don't ever depend on a man! What if he decides to leave her one day? She will be left with nothing. Same thing your father did to us. If only you understood the struggle I had to deal with raising you by myself while financially supporting us at the same time. I don't want you to go through that. And it looks like Nami is following the same footsteps I followed when I was her age. Remember my dear child you have to be careful on who you put your trust in", your mother said to you as a warning.

"But I should be there for her as a friend right? It's not right to abandon her", you said.

"Just don't fall under her influences, and if I hear you are somewhat involved in something like that, you can say goodbye to that college and get yourself enrolled in a public school which you always wanted. And you can forget about any allowances I give you. You can learn to start working to get your own money", your mother said in a serious tone.

You sat back in silence and continued watching TV.


The next morning 8:15am ~ Teachers staff meeting room~

"Good Morning Teachers. We have a special parent joining us today to have a meeting with us. Her name is Jade (L/n). And yes, those of you who know she is (y/n's) mother, the CEO of a large ship company. Her team builds the finest ships for the navy and she is a highly respected woman in the grand line", said Principle Garp.

What?...(y/n's) mother is the CEO...of a ship company?...she didn't tell me anything about her mother apart from the fact that she is quite strict but now I understand why (y/n) is always looking so stressed out~ Doflamingo thought.

"Now, she wants to individually speak to (y/n's) teachers about her daughter's progress in school. It will be held this morning during your break. Let's please maintain our great reputation of this Academy and treat her with the utmost respect. You are all now free to go", said Garp once again.

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