Chapter Twelve : Taunt the Dog on the Leash

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03:42 HOURS


"You're all a pathetic lot." I shouted loudly at the troops who stood before me, their tired eyes staring at me as they tried to process everything. "All I see in front of me are a bunch of useless shits who will be dead in two seconds if I let you walk out those fucking gates."

The sun hasn't risen. The heat hasn't set in for the day. The stars still lit up the night sky. Janson was watching me, he was always watching me because I had the potential. I was top of all the classes I took, so here I am, teaching the soldiers who are older than me and considered to have the most experience. They are inferior to me. It's wrong, but damn did I like that power.

"I will break every single one of you to the point where you are all going to be begging to die." I shout at them from atop a rusty old picnic table. "The Scorch is child's play compared to the hellish landscape I am going to put you through."

Janson's smiling.

He likes this.

He likes me.

I am his favorite.

And I can't wait to kill him.



18:23 HOURS


   "Oh so vicious Buck." Janson laughed, the Greivers crawling their way around me and behind Janson. "I just wanted to have a little discussion with you."

He was so smug, holding a device in his hands that I knew was used to electrocute me. I fantasized the day where I would be able to wrap my hands around his neck, listening to the beautiful sounds of him gasping for air. I wanted to see him suffer a painful and horrible death. I wanted to cause it. I wanted to cause this horrible pain I saw him suffering.

"What's the angle?" I finally asked and Janson smiled widely.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He said as if he were clever. As if I wasn't going to figure it out on my own.

"You sent him up here." I said, taking a step closer to him. "Why?"

I sounded calm and collected, but the truth was that my thoughts were spinning madly around in my head. All the hatred I felt for Janson, for WICKED, all flooded in all at once in an overwhelming amount.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." Janson answered which was enough for me to know that the reason was bigger than simply torturing me.

I looked around my surroundings, trying to find some other way to get out of this, but I couldn't. There were three Greivers and Janson held the device that could paralyze me in a fraction of a second. No matter what I tried or did, Janson would still win.

I fucking hate him.

   "Just so you are aware, the Maze doors have closed." Janson informed me but I just glared at him.

"I know that dickwad." I responded flatly, my voice still feeling uncomfortable after so long of not using it. "Finally decided to kill me?" I asked him but Janson just laughed, walking towards me slowly until he stood directly in front of me.

He was right there. I could feel his breath on my skin and I could see every wrinkle on his punchable face. He still had this smug smirk across his lips as if he had already won. This was the first time in a year that we have been face to face and I could tell he was soaking it all up.

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