Chapter Thirty-Eight : The Big Bad Wolf

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There was an uneasy feeling throughout the group as this new girl lead us through the compound. She brought us through a sliding door or two, told us her name was Brenda, and bought us out to this huge open area with sketchy people waiting for us. The dim lighting of the hanging lights gave the huge room an ominous glow and already I was starting to feel like coming inside was going to be a mistake. Newt was clinging on to my arm while also helping me to walk around considering I still felt a bit off. Everyone was huddled in very close together with Charlie being placed right in the middle.

We didn't trust anything.

Not anymore.

   "Come on, keep up." Brenda called to us as we followed behind like stray dogs. "Jorge wants to meet you."

   "Jorge? Who the hell is Jorge?" Minho asked me right next to my ear, making me whip my head away, his hot breath literally being all that I could hear.

   "I don't know shuck-face, but if he's smart he'll rip your vocal cords out." I whispered harshly back at him and he glared.

   "I saved you're life you know." He commented and now Newt was looking at Minho as if he were stupid, which he is.

   "I think you've got your facts mixed Min." Newt reminded him but Minho shook his head in disagreement.

   "Who do you think carried his ass?" Minho tried to fight but it wasn't working.

   "Buck." I retorted but Minho slapped my cheek softly.

   "How would you know shit face, you were unconscious." He brought up, but again, he already lost the argument.

   If it weren't for Teresa turning around to yell at us for being too loud, I probably would have jumped at Minho and attempted to rip his smug little face off. As we continued walking through the compound, I started to notice more and more people coming out of the shadows, adding on to the group that followed us from behind. Fry was directly in front of us with Charlie and I notice that he wrapped a big protective arm around the young boy's shoulder. Normally Buck would do that, but she was behind us watching the rear I assumed.

   These men and women, no children, looked beaten and angry, growling at us like rabid dogs as they watched us walk by. Oil barrels were scattered across the building with soft fires lit inside, bringing extra light and warmth. You'd think it would be stupid hot in here considering the Scorch was a raging beast, but when night fell it turned icy cold. Buck mentioned that the weather was unpredictable out here, I just didn't think this was what she meant.

   Tarps and generators sat in every open space, and I started to wonder how they got the electricity to manage it all. I assumed it was solar powered, it was the only logical answer.

   "Hey, uh... who's Jorge?" Thomas asked as he kept pace with Brenda.

   "You'll see." Was all she said in return, but that kind of answer never satisfied Thomas. He was going to have follow up questions and then follow up questions on those follow up questions. You get the gist.

   "Why does he want to see us?" Thomas asked her but Brenda never turned back to look at him as she spoke.

   "No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time." She told us. "You've just got him curious. And me too." She added that last part by looking Thomas up and down.

   I was surprised Buck didn't say anything. I would have looked back to see her reaction, but I didn't want to look at the growing crowd behind us. I already felt uneasy enough, no need to add any extra stress. The main thing I remember from that whole walk, however, was the fact that I was craving my drugs like a crazy man. I thought I needed it. I really did.

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