Q&A // Behind The Scenes of Erratic

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No one asked for it, but I wanted to do a little thing where I clear up any details about Buck and the story because I miss her😭
This will also have some behind the scenes and a funny story or two! Enjoy my loves!!

If you have any questions for me to answer, comment here and I'll answer them!!💗


1. Why didn't Buck start going by Frankie after everything?

   So originally, at the end of the story Buck was going to start going by her original name. However, when I finally got to the end of the story, it didn't feel right for her character. I felt like the girl she was when she went by Frankie was a hurt, abused, scared version of herself that she didn't want to be anymore. And the reason she didn't write that name on the rock was because that girl wasn't entirely dead, just needed time to finally heal. In my opinion, in the future Buck will eventually and gradually start to accept that name, but because it had only been a few weeks since everything happened, she wasn't ready. Maybe she never will be, and that's okay. Healing takes a long time, and that's okay.

2. Why didn't Buck's Dad leave their mother?

   Quite frankly, despite the world falling apart, Matthew was incredibly afraid of his wife. She was abusive and manipulative. He was a good man who thought there was no way for him to escape her despite Jorge's best efforts to convince him otherwise. Matthew was ashamed of himself for staying with her, but she had convinced him on multiple occasions that she would take the children away from him if he ever chose to leave. She also made him believe that he wouldn't survive without her and degraded him so badly that he had no respect for himself. He loved his children but didn't know what to do.

3. How Many concussions has Charlie had?

   A lot. He's had a lot. Somehow he's okay. That might be the most unrealistic part of the story. The amount of head trauma this kid has had and he's perfectly fine. Although, he is also perfectly traumatized, but that's a totally different conversation.

4. Speaking of Charlie...

   Fun fact about the cutie patootie, he was actually never supposed to exist. Our little muffin was actually supposed to show up in one chapter and one chapter alone and in this chapter, Buck was actually supposed to knock a bitch out and leave him there. However, my sister/co-creator, read the chapter and fell in love with this random unnamed kid and asked me to keep him in the story. I was more than happy to do so. I gave him a face claim and then lowered his age and boom. Charlie. Our special baby boy that we would do anything for.

5. Buck's Act III Deterioration

   I was in love with how I wrote Buck's slow deterioration into the Flare. I thought it was so cool and creative to show her insanity through the formatting of the chapter. HOWEVER, no one told me what a pain in the ass it was going to become. Obviously, in the beginning, it was easy because it was only once every now and then, but as the story continued, it had to become more frequent. At some point, I just wanted it to be over but I had committed and in the end it was all worth it, but the process was long and tiring. I would be relived after hours of writing her chapters to finally be able to throw in a Joey or Charlie or Thomas POV. But again, I don't regret it and I love that I had written it and formatted it the way that I did.

6. Buck Getting Me Reported At School (yes, somehow this happened)

   Buckiboo made my school counselor think I am mentally unstable. Funny story really where I am sitting in my math class doing my work. My teacher then gave me a slip and told me that the school counselor was looking to talk to me. I was like 'hmm, that's interesting? I wonder what this is about?'. Context here, my English teacher gave us a short story assignment and I had to write a ten page short story so I took an excerpt of Buck's story. At first I was going to use her deterioration but then decided to use her fight with Joey in Act II and made it a little more modern. Anyway, I walk into her office and she greets me and I sit down. She then proceeds to ask me if I know why I was in her office. My dumbass was still trying to figure it out because I literally had no fucking idea at all. So I tell her no, obviously, so she get's straight into business. She asks me if I know that my school google docs account is public, and I did know that. So now I think I know what's going on here. My rewriting of the Buck and Joey fight from Act II ended with the death of Joey from an overdose and it was rather depressing. I thought I finally got it so I said that I thought I knew what this was about. The next thing she asked me actually made me laugh because it was just a funny situation considering that what we were talking about was a fanfic and she had no idea. She asked me point blank 'Are you okay?' where I then respond with 'yes, I am I promise'. But then she turned her computer screen around and showed me the google document that got me reported. This was it:

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