Chapter Sixty-Six : My Desert Marigold

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TIME - 11.56 PM

LOCATION - The Last City

MISSION - Save Buck

She's not responding to me anymore. It's like she's just gone, only leaving the shell of the woman I love to rot in her own mind. I'm losing her, I can't lose her, not again, not after I just got her back. Buck was the only reason the world made sense, the only reason the sun rose and set, the only reason the world turned on it's axis, the only reason the tide pulls in and out. She was everything to me, and whether or not it was the same for her didn't matter. I wasn't going to let her die.

I know how her mind works even if she doesn't want me to know. She wants me to leave her, to kill her, and that was probably why Gally was with us now. I wasn't an idiot, despite what some people might tell you, I am preceptive, I pick shit up. He has been trailing her every move, he's jumpy whenever she speaks, every movement she makes is followed by his hand reaching down to his handgun, not his launcher. I'm not stupid. I see what's going on. I was stupid enough not to notice her deterioration before, but I will not let that happen again. When she slips, the serum better be in my goddamn hands.

"Hey Buck, I need you to give me everything you've got, okay?" I asked her only to be met with mutters under her breath.
"imlosingmymindimlosingmymindimlosingmymindimlosingmymind." She was like a broken record, repeating it over and over again, her eyes shifting every where that wasn't towards me or Gally.

"You ready?" Gally asked me and I took in a huge breath.

I put my hand under her chin, forcing her face to meet mine while she twitched and spewed black saliva from her mouth, staining her chin, lips, and teeth. Her eyes were wild and afraid and dark, almost like looking into an eternal abyss of nothing. The veins wrapped around her face, her pale skin soaked in her sweat as she breathed in heavy uneven breaths. She tried to fight my grasp on her, but I wouldn't let her go until I saw Buck again. I needed to see her, not this monster threatening to eat her alive.

"Look at me honey, look at me." I said gently, cupping her hot face in my hands, watching as the darkness dissipated and left me the small bit of my love that I had left. "You there my love?"

Buck's hand slowly reached out and touched my face and I closed my eyes at the feeling of her fingertips running down my skin. Her touch, her soft touch from not so soft hands, like being touched by an angel. She was my angel. I wanted to cry and break, but I couldn't, not in front of her. I needed to be strong when she couldn't, that's my job and the only thing I could do for her.


"I'm right here." I said, kissing her hand before it ran down to touch my chest. "I'm right here."

"Don't leave me."

"Never." I promised, holding her hand now over my heart. "It's just you and me."

"You and me?"

"You and me." I assured and she nodded, the pain sending a jolt of electricity through her body. "You need to give me everything you've got now, can you do that?"

"Y-yes." She said, spitting out more of the thick black liquid that clouded her mouth.

"Alright, we can do this." I promised her. "Lean on me. Trust me. We will get through this."

"Okay, now we definitely need to go! NOW!" Gally shouted as I threw her arm over my shoulder.

As I did this a fiery explosion racked the ground, almost knocking me and Buck right back to the concrete floor. She let out a huge groan of pain that was just constant as she tried her best to help me move through the open streets we had now walked out to. Gally was in front, aiming his launcher frantically at anything that moved. Cars were flipped and lit aflame, the roads wrecked and blown to bits, the buildings becoming on the brink of collapse. The world was ending, and we were right smack dab in the middle of it all. This was our fault.

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