Chapter Thirty-Three : Ruined Cities

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07:38 HOURS


I didn't sleep at all that night as I listened to the roaming Cranks with my gun held tightly in my hand, Charlie's head in my lap and Thomas's head on my shoulder. Joey was holding Newt close in his arms like they always did in the Glade to make each other feel safe. The morning sun hit my eyes and a cool breeze brushed through my hair as now it was silent and peaceful. I always loved early mornings.

   When I knew everyone was safe and hidden last night, I snuck back inside the mall and got whatever I could. I killed the Cranks I had to, maybe having a little too much fun, but I only used my blade. In those situations where you are trying not to get caught by a large group of Cranks, shooting a loud gun wasn't going to help.

   I grabbed a backpack that I stuffed it with a couple water bottles I found, a small bucket hat for Charlie, granola bars that were in an old vending machine, and an old pipe that I could use as an extra weapon just in case. I was good with a knife and gun and all, but I had always preferred using my signature scythes. I didn't get the name Scorch Reaper for nothing.

A crow had been circling above us for a while until it eventually had the courage to land neatly in the middle of all of us. I turned my head to look at it, watching as the jet black bird poked at our bags, desperately looking for something to eat. I reached into the pocket of my bag, finding a granola bar I picked up from one of the vending machines. I opened up the wrapper and broke a piece of it off, laying it flat in the palm of my hand.

The bird turned to look at me, his head tilting to the side as he stared into my eyes, reading me. Crows were very intelligent animals and I could see it now as it analyzed me, trying to make sure I wasn't going to be threat to his life. I wasn't going to, though I would have if I was desperate enough. I didn't move, I didn't speak, I just held my hand out patiently and waited for him to take the food.

Slowly and cautiously, the crow stepped forward, flapping his wings a little as he jumped up softly onto the edge of my hand. He looked into my eyes as if he were speaking to me and I looked down to the food and then back to him. I still did not move. Eventually, the animal felt safe enough to lower his head and peck the piece of granola bar off of my hand. Immediately as it did so, it took flight and I watched as it flew off into the distance.

"Hey there beautiful." I heard the groggy voice of Thomas and I turned to look at him watching me. I didn't even notice is head wasn't on my shoulder.

"Eugh, you sound like Minho." I said flatly and Thomas laughed at that, leaning forward and wrapping his arms softly around my waist, nuzzling his face against my neck.

"Unlike Minho, I actually got the girl." He commented, kissing my jawline slow and soft.

"Stop it." I said flatly, but the truth was that I was reeling in it, upset that we weren't alone. I got up to my feet quickly while waking Charlie up in the process.

"AAAGH!" The boy screamed, putting up his hands as if he were going to karate chop something, but all he managed to do was wake up everyone else. "Ooh, sorry guys."

Newt was up first, looking down to Joey with his hand held out and my brother took it gratefully. While they looked to be normal, there was a certain tension coming from them that suggested trouble in paradise. Minho was up next followed by Teresa and Frypan, but Winston was having trouble even lifting his head.

"Are they gone?" Newt asked as the group all looked around the piles of ruble and debris.

"Cranks hate the sun." I informed them as I took a look at Charlie's head wound. "They retreated back into the mall when the sun started to rise."

Erratic // Thomas+Female OC & Newt+Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now