Chapter 1

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Curse and rebirth


Description: What do you do when you're cursed for eternity with an incurable, painful disease? When you are reborn after every death? It can happen immediately after your death, or after a few years or even centuries? What do you do if you can remember every single life? Always have the same abilities? No one can help you - you haven't had hope for a long time. Because there was nothing that could ever break your curse. Yet all you really want is to be loved and embraced....


Warning: lots of anger, sadness, blood, death, depression and suicide.
Explicit content is present, please do not read if you are prone to such topics.




I warned you!
Then I wish you a lot of fun anyway. :)


¸.-*(¸.-*' ♥ '*-.¸)'*-.¸

Chapter 1

Again. Again you lay there, in the midst of dirt, as naked as God once made you. Small hands moved before your eyes as you try to turn your head. Unsuccessfully. Your body was weak and too small. It hurt, you were cold and you could do nothing - except one thing. Scream. You screamed in the hope that someone would find you, take you away, or even better, kill you. But nothing happened. Not even after an hour did anyone find you. Not even an animal!
Your throat was sore, your scream only a hoarse loud one until it died away completely. Why bother screaming when you could just freeze to death? Your poor condition will already contribute a quick death. With luck, this time it will be a peaceful death, without much pain.

"Haa...", you sighed and suddenly stopped when something moved in the bushes next to you. Should you shout? Should you draw attention to yourself? Maybe it was some people trying to sell you and enslave you, like the ones from your Last Life? You wanted to risk it.

So you try to scream again as best you can, as far as your voice allowed you. And lo and behold - it seemed to work. The rustling stopped before you heard quick footsteps and shortly afterwards someone jumped out of the bush, holding a green spear in his hands. He glanced at you briefly before his eyes turned alertly to the surroundings. When he realised that no danger was lurking, he let his spear disappear.

"Xiao? Have you found the child?" another person came out from the bushes - it was a tall, brown-haired man with elegant clothes and golden eyes. He looked down at you, looked at your naked form and took off his coat. Underneath he wore a black shirt. Carefully he put the coat over you and wrapped you with it and lifted you up. You look at him, then at the green-haired one, to whom all your attention belonged. You didn't know why, but when you saw him, you wanted to go to him. Therefore, you move so that you can stretch out your small arms to him. He was confused at first, before he probably understood what you wanted. But to your disappointment, he did not take you in his arms. Immediately you start to cry and wiggle your arms so that the man hugged you tighter.

"Apparently the girl wants to join you." the calm voice said somewhat amused, relaxing you.
Xiao looked at you tensely and hesitated. He didn't want to capture you with his karma, but his momentary condition was very good, so it shouldn't be a problem, right? Carefully, he stretched out his arms and took you gently. Never before had he held something so small, weak and fragile in his arms. But you were happy and had to smile for the first time in a long time. One hand reached for his longer strand, which you played with, but something else immediately caught your attention. The necklace he wore. It fascinated you and seemed somehow familiar. So you took the necklace in your hand, not noticing the two scrutinising looks.

Was that nothing to eat? You knew something like that from when you had to eat bones. It looked similar, but you had died miserably afterwards. But maybe that wasn't wrong?
You didn't want to live and no matter how often you end your own life, you will always be reborn. Over and over again...
You close your eyes for a moment before you simply put the necklace in your mouth and suck on it. You notice how the green-haired one freezes for a moment and tries to detach you from the chain. To no avail.

"For a baby, she has a lot of strength!" he hissed as he tried to pull the chain out of your hand again. He wanted to be careful and not accidentally hurt you.
"Probably the child is hungry.", he replied and took you out of his arms, only for you to be back in the brown-haired one's. You pouted and wanted to go back to Xiao, which you made clear by trying to break free of his grip. You even punched the man in the face once, but he just looked at you blankly while Xiao's features slipped and he didn't know whether to kill you for hitting his master or let it go. He chose the latter. Zhongli grabbed your hands and wrapped you completely in his cloak, immobilising you.

Your cold, dead eyes looked at him grimly as he simply looked at you."It's better for you," he said simply. If you could speak, you would surely insult him now. You growled rather you had to start coughing. It was a hoarse and very painful cough. You were already beginning to taste the blood in your mouth, so you had to spit it out immediately. A gush of blood landed on the coat of the man who held you tightly but also gently in his arms. Xiao immediately backed away, afraid that his karma had affected you, but the man reassured him.

"Calm down. It's not because of your karmic debts. She probably screamed until she no longer had a voice. Mortals, especially babies are more susceptible to such things," he explained, which you only half understood as you just struggled to suppress the further gush of blood.Was it that time again? Although you have to say yourself that this is a new record - because usually your illness only broke out when you were 5-6 years old. You manage to calm yourself as you look at Xiao. You look straight into his golden eyes and beg him to take you again."I think she wants to see you. Take her. Then she will calm down.", the brown-haired one started again.

"Lord Morax-," he started to protest, but was interrupted by his master."It's alright.", he handed you back to Xiao and he gently picked you up in his arms. You smiled again and snuggled up to him before the two of them started to leave."Where are we taking her? She can't stay here," Xiao began after several minutes of silence."We'll take her to Qingce village. They will take her there.", his voice was still soft and calm now. But his expression changed immediately."Xiao, find out who abandoned this baby afterwards!", the shorter one looked at him and nodded.

Arriving at the village, Zhongli stayed out of sight. Xiao headed purposefully for a house where he was sure you'd have it good. He knocked on the door and a middle-aged woman opened it, surprised to see the Adept in front of her. But then she caught sight of the bundle, you, in his arms.

"Oh my goodness!" she breathed, startled, and looked at the Adeptus. "Please take care of her.", Xiao said calmly and was about to give you away, but you managed to free yourself from the wrapped fabric and clawed at his hair and chain with all your might. He squinted one eye for a moment because he hadn't expected it. But he became all the more sceptical. It was as if you understood him. You tried to cry again, but your throat was so sore and dry that you could only manage a soft, pain-filled gasp. Tears burned in your eyes again as you look pleadingly at Xiao and shake your head. This confirmed his assumption that you knew what he was saying and that you understood him.

"Shhh, take it easy. Nothing's going to happen to you," you heard the woman's soft voice as she gently released your grip on him. You stomped around, a force going through your body as you struggled with all your might against being given away. Your cold, dead eyes were smeared with tears as you try to hold onto Xiao again, but he takes advantage as your grip loosened around him to disappear....


That was the first chapter.

I've prescribed everything up to chapter 6. I try to update once a week. However, I can't promise that I'll keep up with everything.

What will become of my other stories, I can't say now, but it's not completely over. The ideas are there, only the laziness to realise them is enormous.

But I hope that I can achieve something with this story that will make me want to continue writing the other stories.

See you in the next chapter! <3


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