Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Yay, I couldn't resist this one!I just love the character a lot, which is why I included him. Do you guys want him as a love interest too?

If so, I will add it as a tagg <3Do you guys love him as much as I do?I liked him when he first showed up!

I also took the liberty of changing something about the time. Therefore, please do not be surprised. :)

and I didn't want to make this chapter quite so gloomy, so I tried to make it a bit more "fun" so that every chapter isn't about how much you wish you could jump off the next cliff :D


Again, again you had died and are still ashamed of your last deaths, especially the LAST three. You could remember everything again. And your last two lives were hell, even though you had no memories. Most of all, you are annoyed that you had unconsciously formed a closer relationship with Xiao and Zhongli. You grumble and are suddenly nudged. You look up and smile.

"Kunikuzushi, hello.", you lean against him and he leaned his head on yours.
"What are you angry about? And call me Kuni!", he mumbles sulkily at the end and you giggle.
"Got it, got it.", you laugh and then look into his lila blue eyes. "And I resent my previous lives," you admit and he understood. He knew about your curse. You had told him everything because you had felt so connected to him in some way that the two of you decided to stay together. He had already lost his best friend and now you were both with this sick boy, but he didn't suffer as you did. Nevertheless, you and Kuni became inseparable. Especially because he is also very affectionate towards you.

Twice you have already died and twice you were found by him and also raised until you were with the boys. Twice he had to witness your painful deaths. Although he gained a better understanding that people die, some sooner, some later, he still continued to feel betrayed, even by you, even though he knew it was not your intention. And he hated the gods for what they did to you and not being able to help!

"Kuni...?" you murmur, leaning against him again.
"Huh?" he hummed, looking towards the horizon and watching the sunset with you.
"Will you find me again if I am reborn somewhere else? That I've been reborn twice now in Inazuma is a coincidence.... I want to stay with you too... but also with Xiao and Morax...", you whisper and he looked at you sympathetically, taking your hand in his and kissing your head, which he had gotten into the habit of doing because he realized it calmed you down. And it helped. You smile and hug Kuni as you slowly feel your lungs filling with blood again.
"Again...?" he murmurs, noticing your slight tightening. You nod.

"I cannot leave the place where I am reborn. So I can't seek you out.... But most of the time, I always get reborn in Liyue. So far, there have only been two exceptions. Once in Sumeru and once here, in Inazuma," you whisper and snuggle up to him.

"Kuni?" you murmured softly again and he nodded, symbolizing to you that he was listening."Will you forget me one day or remember forever?" you asked softly.

"Remember! I will always remember you Y/n! I promise you! So never forget me either!", he got a little louder and a little more panicked. You smile and put your forehead on his."Never, Kuni. You're my best friend and you always will be. So... I'll always remember you.", you confirm with a smile.

"What if you forget me, like your last lives?", he murmurs sadly."Then I'll remember you again in the next one and I'll make it all up to you!", you answer immediately and see him smile softly."Promise?" he whispers. "Promise."...

A few weeks have passed and you are tending to the sick boy while Kuni was about to get food."Y/n-Onee-chan... I'm fine..." he whispered and you smile and kiss his forehead rather you had laid down next to him on the futon, pulling him into your arms and closing your eyes. He snuggles up to you and falls asleep by your side. So did you.

Kuni, on the other hand, came back after two hours and smiled when he saw you two like that. Carefully he put the things he had bought on the table and covered you both properly, while he touched your face with his fingers and stroked a strand of hair out of your face. Your skin was cold and pale, but your rising and falling chest showed him that you were still breathing and the black marks were not yet visible. So you were fine.

Right? He was worried and panicked a little. If he lost you again and you were not reborn in Inazuma, he would break. Especially, he didn't know when you would be reborn. According to you, it varies. The last two you were lucky to be reborn immediately, but what if it must have been years or even centuries, even worse, a millennium? He didn't want to imagine that and tried to shake off the thought. He leaned down to you, kissed your head, and hugged you and the boy from behind. He wanted to be with you as long as he could.

He had no heart, but you kept telling him that wasn't true. That he had a far bigger heart than anyone else. He was compassionate, curious, gentle and kind. He could feel anger, he could feel sadness, he could feel pain. Even if he didn't have a real heart inside him, he had a soul heart. And that was something that he leaves in his memory until today. He had a soul heart! It was a heart that was anchored in his soul!

"Y/n...", he murmured at your neck and also closed his eyes. He didn't want to lose you. He wanted to be with you forever, even if he has to move across the country, travel the world to find you, he will put up with anything to find you. He would also be willing to stay in Liyue, as you said. As long as he could be with you and see your smile, he didn't care about anything.But neither of you knew what fate already held. No one could tell, but you two had been willing to challenge fate!


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