Chapter 4

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In your next life, you were found again by Xiao. But this time, he took you in, after consultation with Morax. They had to wait five years for your next rebirth. You were found on the borders of the Great Divide and Sumeru, when some people wanted to take you away, Xiao happened to be nearby due to a high number of demonic auras. He found you there and took you with him.So four years passed, during which you were trained by Xiao and Morax. But mainly by Xiao, who was very impressed by your abilities. And that for a four-year-old child.

"Xiao, I need a break..." you mutter, reading yourself falling in the dirt. You realise how heavy your body was and it was beginning to ache. But you didn't know if it was your curse, or extremely hard sore muscles. Xiao nodded and lifted you into his arms. Immediately you snuggled up to him and let him carry you under a tree. There he sat down with you while you sat on his lap. You enjoyed it and closed your eyes happily. Your heart was beating fast. You had never felt anything like this before. You had really fallen in love with him. From the first moment you saw him.

You were happy to be alive right now. Realising this, you tore your eyes open and pushed yourself off him as you crawled backwards away from him. He was confused and a little shocked by your reaction and then tore his eyes open as a black aura enveloped you. Like a veil, the aura wrapped around them as it grew larger.

"Xiao get out! I don't know what effect this will have on you!" you shouted loudly and held your head, which almost exploded in pain. But against your expectations, Xiao did not disappear. On the contrary. He walked towards you, penetrated the black matter and put his arms around you, before this black aura spread in seconds and extinguished all life within its reach. Animals died, simply falling over dead, while the plants ran out of life energy and were only withered and dry.

The lush green grass was now brown and dry. Everything was withered. All life essence was extinguished. Xiao's eyes widened. What was that? What had just happened? He flinched when he heard you sobbing and immediately looked at you as you clung to him. He was not death. He was not affected by it! He is alive! He was so close to you and he didn't die?! You cried even more and were happy, but at the same time sad again, because you know that these feelings were not right. On the other hand, if you died, you could see him again in the next life and be together again. But what did he feel for you?

You don't know how many minutes passed, but you calmed down and relaxed."What was that?", Xiao asked you softly. You coughed once. You couldn't tell him it was because of him. That you were happy to be alive and to love him.The more I appreciate life, the less control I have. You thought and look at him with a smile.

"That was my darkness. That happens sometimes. Most of the time I can control it," you lied, hoping he'd buy it. And he did, albeit with a slight scepticism."We should call it a night," is all he said, and you nodded and put your arms around his neck, feeling yourself being lifted up again. A moment later you dissolved into green anemo parts." don't have a patrol for today...may I...? stay with you?" you murmured against his neck, feeling so tired. Xia's long strand lightly tickled your face as he arrived in his room. He sighed but laid you down on his bed."Go wash yourself first." he said coolly and you nodded....


Sound asleep, you snuggled up to Xiao as he lay awake in his bed with an arm around you. He didn't need sleep, nor was he tired, but he enjoyed your warmth, which of course he would never admit. He looked at her. A dull and lacklustre h/c hair strayed a little from her face. Unconsciously, he tucked those loose strands behind your ear.

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