Chapter 8

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The next time you opened your eyes again, you saw a ceiling above you that you did not know. Carefully you tried to stand up, but a strong and gentle hand pushed you back down. You see that it was Zhongli who was looking at you with a gentle smile.

"W-," you wanted to say something, but you couldn't get a sound from your lips because your throat was scratchy and demanded water. Zhongli immediately understood your suffering and handed you a cup of water, which you greedily drank up after the geo-archon helped you up once more. Gratefully you look at him, rather you had to cough once and a gush of blood came out with it. This time, however, the blood was lumpy, almost slimy.

Something you or Zhongli had never seen before. After that, you hold your chest in pain again and try to regulate your breathing for fear of hurting even more. With your other hand, you reach for Zhongli's things, who immediately put his hands around your clenched fist and stroked your hand soothingly. Golden particles buzzed around you and your pain subsided somewhat. Blinking, you look at your chest, then at Zhongli, who just smiled gently at you. For some reason, you became nervous and your face felt like it was glowing. The fact that Zhongli tilted his head in slight irritation didn't necessarily make things better. You cleared your throat and looked down at the bedspread."W-where's my mother?" you then ask distractedly, noticing him tense up for a moment."She was worried about you..." he said calmly, but you heard from it that it wasn't entirely true. However, you don't let on.

"Where is Xiao?" The moment you called his name, he appeared in front of you. Immediately he was at your bedside and carefully took your hands with his hands and looked at you worriedly. Again you blushed and your heart began to beat fast. But Xiao frowned slightly when he found your spit out slimy blood on the bedspread. Immediately you tried to hide it when you noticed it, but it was hopeless. Xiao grabbed your hands again, this time more tightly.

"Yn! Stop hiding it!" you flinch. First, because Xiao was raising his voice to you for the first time, and second, because he was addressing you by a name you had heard several times before. Who was Y/n? Was she someone Xiao was close to? Was she someone Xiao liked? For some reason, you felt jealous as these thoughts ran through your mind. Did he care about you, Xingi, or Y/n? You frowned again and pulled your hands away from him. Xiao didn't seem to understand why you did it. He tilted his head slightly, wondering if he had done something wrong.

"I... want to get some sleep..." you mutter, lying down, turning over and almost pulling your blanket over your red face, ashamed of yourself for being jealous of someone you didn't know. Yet you didn't like this y/n because Xiao seemed to like this woman a lot. Zhongli also seemed to know her. Even more than before, you frown and curse the woman named Y/n in your mind, while you had resolved to learn more about her! You snort out and grit your teeth as you imagine this Y/n being happy with Xiao.

Gripping your blanket strongly, you don't notice Zhongli and Xiao watching your slight back and forth fidgeting. What was wrong with you? Were you feeling worse again and don't want to show your condition to the two so they won't worry about you? The two men looked at each other and heard your snort, a murmur they didn't hear, and then a curse. Xiao blinked in perplexity. He had never heard you curse like that before. Zhongli was also surprised, to say the least. He actually knew himself as rather calm and confident.

"Xingi? Are you all right?" asked Zhongli quietly, lightly stroking your head with his hand. At least what he could reach too, since most of your head is under the covers. You grumble an unintelligible yes. You hear Zhongli sigh softly.

"Get some rest. If anything is, call our names." said Zhongli quietly, moving away from you. So did Xiao, who took one last look at you before dissolving into green anemo particles....


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