Chapter 7

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I am extremely sorry. I have not forgotten anyone. Just unfortunately haven't had time to write as work has caught up with me again and it's been stressful. I also sprained my arm hard and couldn't move my arm for a while. Sorry for that. >//<The next one won't take that long this time. Hopefully. But now have fun! <3

¸.•*(¸.•*' ♥ '*•.¸)'*•.¸

Chapter 7

Two days have passed and Zhongli has not seen you since. According to Xiao, you don't seem to have left the apartment. And he was right. You were lying in your room. Hurt and broken, after your mother tortured you physically and psychologically in the evening and during the day yesterday. You decided to leave tonight!

Your mother was going to get drunk anyway. She would beat you again, but then go to sleep. If you manage to move, you'll escape today! You slowly look up. It was already dark and you hadn't had any food for two days, as punishment for being late. Your stomach growled, but you didn't really care. Something like that happened often and you got used to it strangely fast."If I manage to escape... what then?" you mutter, your gaze becoming emptier than it already is.
"Should I just die? My life has no meaning anyway.... I'm worthless...", you mutter again and straighten up. Even if you were to make it, how would you survive? You had no experience in nature, apart from the monsters out there? Although you think about it, you didn't feel fear, as you actually thought. It was like you were becoming numb. You sigh, but wince at the same time as you hear your mother's stomping footsteps. Something banged - probably she bumped into something. Shortly after, your door was yanked open and your eyes widened as you saw the belt buckle in her hands. Your heart was beating up to your throat and you were really getting the fear now. You shivered and pressed yourself into the farthest corner of your bed, while you could already feel the blows on your skin, although nothing had happened yet. But it took less than three seconds, you already felt the first blow, which went like a whip through your marrow and leg. You couldn't suppress this cry of pain, especially when something drilled into your skin. It was a belt with lace studs on it. Immediately the second blow followed, then the third against your head, where you felt the spikes digging into it and you fell to the side. Stunned by the blackness, you didn't notice how she kept hitting you. You only noticed the warmth around your body as your blood dripped from them. After a few minutes, you came back to your senses enough to feel everything again. You cried and started screaming, crouching down again, protecting your soft spots and hoping it would stop."H-Help..." you whisper."It won't do you any good! No one will help you!" she slurred with disdain and struck again - this time against your shoulder which made a cracking sound.

>>Dear Geo-Archon...Rex Lapis... God of contracts, Morax... p-please... help me... please save me!<<, you mentally pleaded. You called out his name in your mind each time, until you accidentally brought his name aloud past your lips. Shortly after, all you felt was a hiss and something splashing on you. Golden and green-black particles you could only see, as well as amber-colored, glowing golden-red eyes - holding in his hands a golden spear, with brown ornaments. Next to the taller person, a smaller man was visible. Dark green hair and also glowing golden eyes, angrily directed at your mother. Shortly after, however, the boy came to you and took you in his arms, while your gaze fell on your mother, who was pressed against the wall. Through her body the spear of the handsome man you recognized as Zhongli. But before you could say anything, the blackness took you and you become unconscious.

>>Hopefully... I will... never wake up again...<<, were your last thoughts.Zhongli and Xiao looked at you, rather Xiao disappeared with you in his arms, and Zhongli's eyes, blazing with rage, fixed on the woman in front of him, who was still alive and crying. Spitting blood, she looked at the man in front of her as her body ached. Who was he?"W-why...gha...", she spat out another gush of blood. "...H-are you helping that... Thing...", she coughed again, struggling not to lose consciousness. Zhongli said nothing and drilled his spear deeper into her until the blood just splattered and there was a cracking sound. After that, Zhongli disappeared into golden particles....

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