Chapter 5

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It's Friday and that means; A New Update!


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Chapter 5

Ten years have passed. You were 14 years old by now and against your expectations, you didn't have that much pain as usual. You didn't know why and had tried a lot of things, but nothing helped to find out why your illness wasn't as bad as usual this time. But that was also to your advantage, even if you were sceptical about it, because you didn't know what the effects might be, or whether this unbelievably bad pain would arise from now on. Again you felt the eyes of Xiao on you and indeed of Morax, but you ignored it. You had had no contact with them for ten years and had moved outside to Liyue, far away from everything. There you had also trained your powers by massacring the Hilichurls. You had also not laughed or spoken since that day. You only exchanged a few words with yourself. Your gaze was even more emotionless than it already was and Xiao didn't like the way you were at all. You were only a shadow of yourself, just waiting for death, and so often you were thinking of just ending your current life. But the non-existent pain prevented you from doing so. Maybe you could enjoy this life a little. But just as you were about to stretch, you suddenly felt a warmth in your belly and then an unbelievably strong pain.

"Gha!" you exclaimed, holding your chest and collapsing again before you felt the taste of iron in your mouth again. Shortly afterwards you spat out another gush of blood. But as quickly as the pain came, it was gone again. Shocked, you looked at the bloody stain on the floor and carefully sat up. You wiped your mouth once and went back into your small, self-built house. There you took some water from a jug and rinsed your mouth once. Afterwards you go back outside and look again at the bloody spot, rather you passed it. You walk back up to the cliff. It wasn't as high as Hulao Mountain, but it was high enough to end your life quickly if you had to. Besides, you had your peace here. So you scrambled up the mountain and settled down on the edge of the cliff while your legs dangled over it and you watched the sunset. Your gaze became pensive and lost in the distance until you averted your eyes from the various colour play in the sky and looked down.

"What is the point of my life...? I should just end it... there's nothing keeping me here for a long time..." you mutter, not noticing how Xiao and Morax were behind you, as they both wanted to talk to you, especially Xiao. But when he heard what you said, he stopped. You take another step forward before looking up at the sky. Then you close your eyes with a sigh. Did you really want to die again now?

"Yes..." you say to yourself again and look up at the sky again."Let me be reborn... somewhere else this time...", you whisper softly and turn your head back to see the two of them standing."...Thank you for everything.", you turn fully to face them and smile softly rather you dropped backwards. You could just hear Xiao calling your name....


The next time you opened your eyes, you only see a brown blanket above you Confused, you straighten up and notice how your body ached. But you look irritatedly at your body as you are in a sitting position. Your arms and upper body were wrapped in a bandage."What, didn't I die...?" you ask, confused.

"Thank God you didn't," you heard a familiar voice that you had heard before. Dr. Aahn who had been your doctor in your previous life."The honourable Yaksha found you and brought you here. You had been badly injured. He was very worried and had threatened me with my life if I did not treat you first. You seem to mean a lot to the Yaksha," the doctor smiled.

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