Chapter 9

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"You wanted to talk to me?" you look at Morax and he looked at you. You were a little outside Liyue. Alone. He had spread out a blanket and prepared a basket with small pieces of fruit. You grin a little.

"Is this going to be a date?" he returns your grin slightly.

"Look at it any way you want," he says calmly and you sit down on the blanket.

"I assume it's going to be serious if it's just the two of us," you say quietly and cross your legs. He remained silent and offered you an apple, which you gratefully accepted.

"Y/n... you remember your last life here, right?" you nod.

"Where I had no memories?" you replied calmly and he nodded. "Yes, I remember." you frowned and looked at him. Although you could guess what he wanted from you.

"You... when we were on the Guili Plain, you were in a very bad way and you despised that place. You panicked..." he began and you nodded in confirmation. You knew this was coming."I had only been partially present at the Archon War..." you sigh, closing your eyes and then looking up at the sky as Morax stared at you.

"I was even less in control of my powers than I am now. That disgusting dust goddess was the one who killed me!" you growl at the end, glaring at Zhongli with hatred. He winced and didn't know what to say.

"That disgusting woman, the one you held in high esteem! She was the one who tortured and killed me because she thought I was a danger to humanity and would only worsen the Archon War! On top of that, she was afraid that I could control my powers and get your attention!" you growled, continuing to glare angrily at Zhongli.
"Morax, you can be glad that this woman is already dead, otherwise I would have tortured and killed her in the worst possible way, so that not even dust would have been left of her! I was more than shocked that this piece of shit was already dead after my rebirth and didn't have a gruesome death!" you stand up and pace back and forth as you realize you were slowly getting angrier and angrier. Morax remained silent the whole time, listening to you and only frowning slightly when you insulted Guizhong.

"What happened back then?" he asked quietly instead. He wanted answers. Because he knew and remembered back then, Guizhong was angry, which is usually never the case, let alone that he had ever remembered Guizhong getting angry in the first place, however he blamed it on the effect of the Archon War.

"I was in a village.... I felt comfortable. Dust Goddess Guizhong was taking care of the village. In fact, she took care of me too. She knew I was sick and what kind of curse I had. She tried to help me, but she quickly realized that she couldn't... She was someone I could trust after a long time... But she quickly realized that this power was greater than hers..." you lower your gaze and hit a rock, where an imprint immediately appeared and small pebbles came out of it.

"But it all changed when I lost control of my powers and accidentally killed the livestock we had. Guizhong tried to help me, but she looked at me differently from then on. Before, it was filled with compassion and helpfulness, as well as kindness. But afterwards, she looked at me with unease, even slight disgust, because my power also caused some of her precious inventions to crumble to dust..." you inhale and exhale shakily.

"It was terrible for me that the woman I confided in then looked at me and treated me as if I were a monster. She looked at me with disgust because of the death of the animals and her inventions. She even advised me to stay away from the village before I dragged people into it. And so I did, in the hope that Guizhong would no longer look at me like that..." you close your eyes as a tear runs down your cheek.

"But the loneliness in the cave, which she also sealed up, made me go crazy and I fell into a depression. I also noticed how I was getting weaker from day to day. As if something was draining my energy. The pain got worse and I screamed. Sometime after weeks, or even months, Guizhong came back and said she had something for me that could help me. I was grateful and trusted her... but it was the stupidest decision I could have made. She gave me a strange cube..." you open your eyes again and look emotionlessly at Zhongli, who was shocked by your speech.

"...This cube... impaled me, draining my energy while there was a poisonous substance inside. My body ached even more and the poison spread quickly, attacking my organs. The black marks quickly appeared on my body and I looked in shock at Guizhong, who only looked at me with a sinister and bitter smile. Her words were only: 'You deserve nothing less! Someone like you shouldn't exist! I found your story and body interesting. Especially your curse. I could learn a lot. So I thank you'. I knew then that she had taken advantage of me from the beginning. I don't know what she needed my cursed energy for, I didn't realize that at the time. I just had a single thought in my head..." You look at Zhongli, your face contorted with anger:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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