Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


You open your eyes again and see Morax above you. Irritated, you try to sit up, but he pushed you back down and your head rested on something hard, but also soft. You quickly realise that it was Morax's lap where your head was resting, covered by his coat.

"Didn't you also give me your coat when I was a baby?" you murmur lightly, but remain lying there. Morax didn't reply to that and just looked at you. You also look at him briefly in his eyes, rather turning your head to look for Xiao. You then see him sitting to your left."You almost died.", he said something that each of you knew."Oh really?" you reply sarcastically, rolling your eyes.

"I hate this little body! Especially because it's so weak...", unconsciously you raised your head briefly, only to let it fall back down in frustration, immediately apologising to Morax, now that you remembered who you were lying on.

"How come you look like you did in your previous life?", Morax asked you quietly."I don't know, but I assume that's my real appearance, because I've been reborn like that every time. On top of that, the people from my previous life, can't remember me. When I died and was reborn, I was suddenly the child of my former neighbours, while my old family can no longer remember me. Since you two aren't human, I suppose that won't happen to you," you explained, straightening up this time without being stopped by him. You put his coat around you like a blanket since they were getting cold and decided to sit on his lap, which he allowed without comment.

"What are you going to tell your parents now?", Xiao asked you, immediately getting an angry look.

"They are not my parents! I don't accept them as such! Just tell them that I died because I was possessed by a demon. I can happily jump to my death and be reborn in the next few minutes, or days," you said shrugging your shoulders, which earned you wry looks from the two adepts.
"You're just going to kill yourself and throw yourself off the cliff now?", Xiao looked at you grimly as you only replied with a bored nod."Wouldn't be the first time I've killed myself. Anything is better than having the pain that will come soon," you replied, looking blankly into the expanse of Hualo Mountain."Do you really want to die that badly...?", Xiao asked you quietly."More than anything.", you reply in an equally quiet voice.

"I just want to have a normal life. Either to just be dead forever, or to have no illness.", you add, closing your eyes in relaxation."How much pain are you in...?" the yaksha continued to ask."A scale of one to ten, the pain is on a 100. My organs are being shredded, my bones in my body are bursting, my lungs are filling with blood... everything. I'm practically choking on my own blood as my body disintegrates. I am being eaten from the inside by the living body. This is pain - I wouldn't wish it on even my worst enemy...' you reply, noticing Morax put his arms around you and hug you to him. Briefly you tensed, but afterwards you relaxed in his arms and leaned against him. You closed your eyes and remained quiet for a few minutes before you began to speak.

"Do you know that man fears death, but is attracted to it at the same time? I do not fear death, but I fear pain and am attracted to death. I am condemned to suffer eternally...", you laugh humorlessly and free yourself from the Archon's arms."Are you really going to die?", Xiao asked you again quietly."Hum. You can tell people, or not. Because once I'm dead, everyone will forget about me anyway. Except for you.", you replied quietly. You were about to turn and jump off the cliff, but Morax stopped you and grabbed you gently by the wrist.

"Give me a chance to figure out your curse. But don't die until then!" he said sternly and his amber eyes lit up. You look at him emotionlessly."Do you want me to make a contract with you or what?", you look up at him."If you must, then yes," he replied immediately and then looked irritated when he saw your now cold gaze.
"Then no, because I will break our contract and I will throw myself to my death as soon as I can't take it anymore. And why should I believe a god, of all people, who have ignored me from the beginning and only let me suffer?", you yank your wrist free and look at him seriously. Morax, however, only looked calmly at you. He understood your hatred, he could relate to it and he certainly wouldn't want to force you to believe a god, knowing himself how corrupt gods are. And yet, he must say, it pains him to see a little girl like you suffer. If he could, he would ease your suffering.

"Y/n, I will look for a solution. I won't leave you alone!" he admitted, almost staring holes in your head."Don't make promises you can't keep, Morax. No one could help me.", that was the end of the subject for you and you wanted to turn around, but at the same time held your head when it suddenly started to hurt. Shortly afterwards you felt your chest getting hot and the taste of iron in your mouth. Immediately you grabbed your chest and coughed. Shortly after, you also spit out a gush of blood.

"W-what? Why so early?!" you murmur in shock as you try to calm down. You manage to do so and your pain suddenly disappears. But then you feel a pressure on you and see Morax's hand shining above your head. You look at him in surprise. Never, never before has your pain completely disappeared. Stunned, you look into his golden eyes.

"What did" you ask, confused and still not believing what just happened."I was trying to ease your pain. I don't know how long it will last, but nothing should happen for the next hour," you continue to blink as you then look down at your hands in shock. Your gaze became emotionless again, though. Just a little, a tiny moment, hope flashed before your eyes. But it doesn't last long as you suddenly feel the pain again. Spitting blood, you collapse on the floor again while holding your hands over your mouth. The blood ran from this one. Morax was shocked, so was Xiao.

'Whatever this curse is. It's more powerful than my strength. Morax thought to himself and put his hands on her shoulders while Xiao stood in front of her. He could only begin to imagine what she was feeling. Probably her pain was as severe as his, if not worse."Please don't..." you pleaded as you realised it was getting worse. Your voice hoarse and out as tears wet your cheeks. Your stomach tightened as you felt the familiar sensation of having your organs ripped out while you were still alive.

"Arg...!", you realise as you find yourself on the floor, cramping in pain as you just spit blood. Blood from your mouth, nose, ears and now even from your eyes again.

"Please... just...kill me!" you pleaded, hoping they would grant your wish. At the same time, you felt Morax trying to heal himself again. Unsuccessfully. You clawed at the ground, tearing your fingernails again, which were beginning to bleed, as you looked towards the cliff. You wanted to crawl towards it, but were interrupted as you hit a new pain, but not nearly as bad as you usually felt.

Your e/c eyes looked to Xiao who was thrusting his spear through you. You felt your heart being pierced. With a gentle and grateful smile, you looked to Xiao."Thank you...", you breathed and formed three more words with your lips. As if Xiao could read them, his eyes widened as your eyes closed. The wind blew gently, playing with your hair as you lay before the two adepts with a smile. Death. Morax closed his eyes and placed the cloak over you after Xiao made his weapon disappear. But the cloak lay flat on the floor a moment later. Morax lifted it up and saw nothing under his cloak. Only black particles slowly dissolved...

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