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Chapter One: He's gorgeous, but even more gorgeous in my arms.

(Written in Hanbin's Pov)

"Class, we have a new student." announced our advanced mathematics teacher, who is also our home room teacher. Now who can it possibly be? Anyways, at least I'll have a bench mate. Peering at everyone else accompanying each other, that person will certainly sit next to me.

Suddenly, a familiar figure walks in. Holy shit, turns out, he's the guy I had bumped into today morning. So back when I was in the lift for a minute or so, the people inside were pushing each other. He stumbled upon me because he was struggling to stand still inside. He had held those podgy textbooks, so I could understand that it was quite tough for him to withstand the crowd. Even looking at his expression, I could trace out how uncomfortable he felt. While he was stumbling upon me, I ensured that none of his books fell by wrapping my hands around his tightened shoulder. I had told him to turn around towards me so that the chances of getting his books fallen down are lessened.

If I was honest about it, it was kind of comfortable. I haven't hugged anyone since the past few months. The last time I had cwtched someone was when I was on my final date with my Hao hyung. After that, he randomly decided to break up with me on text. Don't know why but since then life has been pretty lonely lately.

Forgetting about that, after a lot of people had evacuated the elevator, the latter had broadened his lips into a smile,which looked a little cute. He had then bowed down at me to convey his gratitude for my help. I had beamed back at him, showing him a thumbs up. I was glad that I could aid someone. We had then parted our ways to attend different classes. I should've had asked his name but it's alright, knowing the fact that he's officially my classmate now, he would hopefully feel comfortable around me.

Currently, the boy walks in further until he is front of the board. He bows down ninety degrees again, and shoves a smile on his face again. Adorable. Oh wait, I am not simping on him either ways!

"My name is Seok Woohyun but my English name is Seok Matthew. I'm a psychology major along with business as second major. I've recently moved back from Canada to Korea." introduced the "so called" Matthew.

He had brown permed hair, along with round glasses. He had an aegyosal, with a smile that shined really bright. His cheeks were quite squishy and milky.

Chanmi ma'am asked him to take a seat besides me, which caused him to joyfully skip towards my bench and settle down at the empty chair. Apparently, he was sitting on my left. Class commenced, and my gaze was fixed on Hao hyung. He talked too much, I wouldn't be surprised if noise pollution would take place. Leave that aside, what actually brung a chill down my spine was the audacity Matthew had to lean on the wall while soundly sleeping.

His trembling fingers and shaky legs were what raised majority of my concern for his well-being. Fortunately, I had a unworn hoodie. I wasn't feeling cold either hence I covered him with that. Soon, he stopped shivering and he was able to sleep even more peacefully. Is this kid sleep deprived?

Finally, class had ended after half an hour. I had to go to the other room to attend economics class. I needed to take my hoodie back but looking at how comfortable he was with it on top, I refrained to take it back.

Since I had to hurry for another class, I left him sleeping around peacefully. I mean, no one else is going to enter that room anyways, so why bother him.

"Sleep well." I patted his head and went away.

While exiting my class, I suddenly got approached by my best friend, also known as Haruto. He greeted me with a smirk as he saw my hoodie wrapped around Matthew. I guess I've got some explaining to do....


End of chapter one.

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