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Chapter 6: i like it when you smile, it's cute.

A guy id just met, who became my seatmate and my project partner, is also another one who knows about my past relationship with Hao hyung. I don't even trust that freak enough, like I know that me and Zhang Hao aren't going to be his only 'friends'. I honestly feel so bad for him, because he's stuck between two exes.

The way I saw him widen his eyes the moment Hao told me that he used to be my boyfriend, I still cannot forget about it. What's worse, the day before, I had told him that I had still liked my ex. Now that he knows about it, I don't know how to deal with it, like what should I even tell him now?

Riiiingggg- my phone beeped. It was a text message, hearing the sound last for only one second. Apparently, it was from the one and only, 'Zhang Hao'.

Looks like he has unblocked me from kakao talk, how cool. I unlocked my phone to check his text message. The moment when I saw what he wrote, I groaned.

My Hao Hao<3

Listen up Hanbin
You better not mess up with Matthew

  Of course
I know how to be a human unlike you

Humans are useless.
Oh, and also
About today

I swear I'm not into anyone right now

That's a lie.
Thankfully Matthew doesn't know about who you like either.
But he knows tht you're into someone

That's none of your business btw
Even if I have taken an interest in someone

That just shows that you're unloyal.

we broke up already.
What am I supposed to do? Still like you?
([Oh wait I already do...] backspaced)

It's so funny how you never liked me only.
Because I was easy to move on indeed.


Moving aside
If you like my friend

Your 'friend' hAHAH
He can either be my friend or your friend

Stfu stop behaving like a kid
If you have a crush on Matthew
Then back away
He's fucking gay
I don't want you to hurt a friend


I literally see you being extra nice to him
Wdym?? You're not usually like that
Aren't you an antisocial freak?

Me? Antisocial?
It's just that I don't like y'all, okay?
Matthew looks kinder than all of y'all
Y'all have forgot that I can be nice to people too ok?

Fr it's your fault
That you don't get along with us 

How tf?
It's my life and my choice
I wanna befriend who I want to be with and who I don't

Then why did you even approach me

Because you were nice back then, okay?
I really loved you back then because you were actually the way you wanted yourself to be

I still am myself
Just that you've rotted my brains

Don't know what I did yet people like you blame me for the smallest reason

Ofc, you're not even aware of what you've done lmao
I guess I don't want to waste my time fighting with useless people
Gonna go block ✌️✌️

(This user has blocked you.)

First and foremost, I think Matthew is ehhh... respectable. He knows how to keep a secret then.

Secondly, the way Zhang Hao just assumed that I liked someone else while I still cannot move on from him. He didn't have the rights to call me a whore, but i feel like it was justified of course because in his opinion I moved on too quickly.

Thirdly, he had the audacity to command me to stay away from Matthew, which was unacceptable from his side. I can be friends with whoever i want to do whatever I wish. Hao hyung has no rights to direct me what to do.

Lastly, it's funny how he just blocked me after cursing out words to me. Through the words expressed by him, I can analyse that he wants me to continue suffering alone. I won't let his intentions succeed or walk past me again.

Let him do whatever he wants to: more than my feelings for him, I value self respect. It's like, I'd rather wait for him to accept defeat and apologise before getting back with him.

One thing I've been hoping for a long time, our reconciliation. Each day I pray to god that we could push aside our problems and get back to each other's embrace later. My incantations still haven't worked yet, which causes me to put a frown on my face everyday.Hao hyung has officially become my reason of retaliation in life now.


End of chapter 6

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