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Welcome to the next chapter

Since Zed and Impulse are gone it's awfully quiet in the server, but the worst part is that Tango doesn't trusts anyone except Stress, Scar, Grian, Keralis, Etho and Bdubs. These are also the people that go look and see if he's alright. He doesn't even go outside except in the night. The reason? Because no one is outside at that time.
But in the nether it looks a bit more bright not only because of the lava, but Impulse and Zed are together the only person left is Tango. But except for that. Zed build a house near by Hels and Exsuma. But hopefully the trio of ZIT will be completed soon, now let's see if it will be in this chapter or another.

~ Keralis1 POV ~

I'm going over to Tango. It's awfully quiet in the server, everyone is ready to protect Dave. Well let's not worry about him, today is my duty to hang out with Tango. What duty? You see Me, Stress, Scar, Grian, Etho and Bubbles are the only ones that really see behind the facade of Tango so we said that we're gonna make sure nothing will be happening to him and today is my turn to makes sure about that.
Standing in front of Tango's door, I knock but no one opens it. Luckily I have a key for emergencys to his house. I go inside it's so quiet in here.
A bit too quiet.
"Tango?! Are you here?!"
I yell but the yell hall's back. Where is he? I walk around to see if I can find him, hopefully alive...
After some minutes I see a piece of paper on the ground. I go over to it, maybe it can help me to find Tango. I knee down and lift it up so I can see what's on it, oh- there is something written on it.

I'm sorry...
but I had to go
I can't take it
here in the server longer
I'm on my way
to search for Impulse and Zed
please don't come search for me
Love Tango

I look at it in shock, I start to cry and get my communication device out. I go on chat

Guys... I need to
tell you something

Hey, what's up?

Yeah, something

Tango runaway...

He- what?!

meeting now

We're coming

Ony way

I put my communication device back in my inventory plus the paper. Still crying I get to the meeting hall. As I get there everyone is already there and Bubbles comes to me comforts and hugs me then starts to lead me to a seat next to his. Shashwammy starts to talk but I just start to drift out, not concentrating on what is going on. Then someone shakes me, as I awake of my trance I see that everyone looks at me. Bubbles leans over to me.
"Keralis, X asked you to give him the letter."
He whispers to me. I nod, take the letter and give it to Shashwammy.
He starts to read it out loud
"I'm sorry... but I had to go, I can't take it here in the server longer, I'm on my way to search for Impulse and Zed, please don't come search for me... Love Tango."
Around me I hear gasps and shocked faces.
"Do you think he will kill himself when he doesn't find them?"
Cleo says sad, everyone else looks at each other with sad and shocked eyes. I look around and only now I see that someone is missing. I stand up, now all eyes are on me again they look at me but no one asks any questions. I wander around the big table were everyone sits. Go back to my place
"Guys... Where is Dave?"

~ third POV ~

Everyone froze in place. Start to look around searching for Dave. X stands up and claps in his hand which makes a loud noise.
Everyone looks at him. And he starts to talk
"Guys we need to calm down."
Many go back to their places. Others stay were they are and just breathe in and out after everyone is kind of calmed down X starts to speak again
"Alright now we need three groups."
Doc stands up
"For what do we need three groups for?"
A lot whisper or nod in agreement
"Simple one for searching for Tango, the second one is for searching for Dave and the last one is for protection of the server, because we don't know we're they went."
Many nod
"So who wants to go search for Tango?"
Keralis, Scar, Grian, Bdubs and Etho raise their hands.
"Good you guys go now, say in the chat when you know where he is."
The five nod and went their way, X starts to ask the next question
"Now for Dave?"
For that Doc, Cub, Mumbo, Jevin and Cleo raise their hands.
"Alright for you it's the same with the other five. Good luck..."
They wave goodbye the rest of the hermits look at X for other instructions.
"The rest of you make sure you can heal the others or be ready to fight, whatever you can do better. The rest nods.
And with that the meeting is over.

~ Earlier this day ~
~ Tango Tek POV earlier ~

I'm packing my stuff to go and find my two loved ones. I might not know where they are, but I can still go and look for them.
Since days I looked for places were they could be banned to. But I still have many questions that only X can answer, but I don't want to go to him. So I made my own little plan were they could be banned to. First of I started by finding out were you all can be banned to and those are a lot! I managed to go down and down by visiting those places I mostly looked for Impy, I know that Zed is in the nether because he told me that. Just by thinking what can happen to him there makes me be before to cry, but I have to stay strong for them... Anyways I put the options were they could be on a list:

Banned options:
• nether
• the end
• lonely island
• swamp

Those are my options.
I wrote a letter for the hermits. Put it on the floor, I get my rockets out, my Elytra on and fly off to east.

~ Tango Tek POV now ~

I just fly and fly not looking back until I think I'm far enough from the others. I see a mountain, I fly there to rest for a bit. The view is beautiful. Something you mostly see in movies. Now let's find out were the other two could be banned to. But fist I need to get a campfire going. I get sticks out places them to get and use a lighter to light them up and now I have a campfire. After a while I get my list out and start to read. So what do we visit first? I look around
"Hmmm... I already went to the end... So I now can I cross that..."
I get a pen out and I cross it.

Banned options:
• nether
• the end
• lonely island
• swamp

"Which one next? I could go to the next swamp."
I say while eating bread.
You know how annoying it is to not have to Word-Count be perfect? Like this story has: 1318 words!
But here is the third part of the story
looks like it's getting risky for Tango
Well then let's see if he can find let's hope so.
but for now hope you liked this chapter even if it was so short. Next time you will see more from the sight of the people in the nether.
Good bye

Words: 1318

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