they found out?!

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Tango got their new outfit and was really happy how it turned out and the other two are just happy about Tangos energy but of course we will have some Angst. Tango also is friends with Hels and Ex. The hermits? That will you read now UvU have fun ^^

~ Xisumavoid POV ~

I called everyone for an emergency meeting. Now I'm waiting on my main place for them to come. After some minutes everyone arrives.
"Hello everyone, I think you wanna why I called you all today."
Everyone looks at me and I can see that Dave feels uncomfortable, well he looks like this after we caught him some days ago.
"First and like always how is everyone doing?"
Some saying they are alright, okay or good, while others stay quiet and waiting for the meeting to continue. With that I raise my voice so they can understand me better
"We all know that Impulse and Zedaph are both in the bannedland."
Slight mumbling starts to form around the members.
"Doc and I saw Tango, some days ago and  he completely went mad at us for trying to bring him back."
Everyone except Doc and Dave look at me shocked... then Keralis starts speaking
"But that isn't how Tango acts normally- do... do you think he is angry at us...?"
He starts to get watery eyes, Bdubs turns to Keralis to hug him.
Jevin looks at me
"Do you know where they are now?"
I look him straight in the eyes
"It hurts me to say this, but they went through the portal into the bannedland..."
I hear some people gasping shocked.

~ GoodTimeWithScar POV ~

I look stunned at X after he said that. Jellie looks at me and then climbes on my lab and lays down. I slightly smile because she always when I'm upset. I start to pet her. Looking back up I see that they are still discussing about the Tango situation. I just look back to Jellie who is purring on my lab, then I look to Dave, who is next to me. He notice that I look at him and looks at me, I smile at him and lean over to him to whisper the guy something in his ear.
"You kinda seem upset about something... Do you want to pat Jellie? It helps me to relax"
I whisper smiling he looks at me and nods. With that I look up to the others to hear what they are talking about.

~ 3rd POV ~

Dave reaches over to pet Jellie, she first starts to back off a bit but he still reaches to the cat. Jellie shows her teeth but Dave doesn't seem impressed and starts petting her. Which makes Jellie really upset and bites Dave. He jumps up and screams
"Ahhh!! Damn cat!"
Everyone looks at him like he is crazy. Till they see the bite wound he got from Jellie. The hermits look at Jellie who still shows her teeth at Dave and then back at Dave. Cub starts to talk.
"Scar... I don't think Jellie likes Dave... or Dave did something, like lying, to upset her."
The elf nods and Dave gets uncomfortable. They turn to him
"Dave do you want to tell us something?"
X says. Dave slightly backs off in the direction of the exit near enough the door he tries to run away but Doc uses an ender pearl to teleport to the door and is there in the right time and blocks Dave's way out. He bumps into Doc and falls to the ground. Looking up to Doc that stands over him intimidating.
"Care to explain?"
Dave tries to back off still on the floor
"I- uhm-"
X looks over to Doc
"Doc please bring him to the cell like room and make sure he doesn't try anything."
(Don't know what to call it T.T)
Doc looks at X and nods. He goes over to Dave and picks him up by his shoulders back on his feet and Leeds him over to another part of the building. With that X turns to Scar.
"Scar we need Jellie if we want to find out what's going on with Dave."
Before Scar could answer Jellie miau's and goes to X. Everyone looks stunned at Jellie till Grian bursts out laughing
"I guess Jellie says yes"
With that everyone else giggles/chuckles/laughs.
After everyone calmed down X turns first to Jellie and then to Scar
"Now let's go and see what's going on with Dave."
After saying that he turns to the rest of the hermits and Scar and Jellie already are on their way to go to the call thing
"The rest can either do their normal things or stay here and wait for the results."
With that he turns around and follows Scar and Jellie.
"X wait shortly"
Grian says and walks fast to X
"Yes Grian, what's up?"
"Can I come with you?"
X looks up and down and Grian with a slight pause till he sighs
"If I say no you still will be following me won't you?"
Grian shrugs with his gremlin grin
"Fine come on"
"Yay thanks X"
They start to walk again

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