~Our promise under the night sky~ Malleus x Reader

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~Our promise under the night sky~
Malleus x Reader

Warning(s) - Character death, possible spoilers for book 6


"...Malleus?" Yuu called out, their voice almost a whisper. Malleus continued to stare ahead, his expression hard to read.

The two were currently standing in the poor state of Ramshackle, under the night sky, no one around to see them but the stars and the moon shining up in the sky and through the big hole in the ceiling.

He had been standing here with Lilia just a few minutes ago, but when the bat fae had taken notice of Yuu's presence, he decided to leave the two alone.

Just like the bat fae had mentioned not long ago, the stars were aligned in the sky above them. His words repeating clearly in Malleus' head, drowning out his surroundings and other thoughts.

All he could focus on were Lilia's words and the thought of seeing Ramshackle back up and about with Yuu, Grim and Y/n. Why did he feel this way? He didn't know. All he knew is that he would be awaiting their return.

Which is why...

"We're sorry, we couldn't protect them until the end..."

There stood Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Epel, Rook, Idia, Ortho and Grim...

Where was Y/n...?

Riddle and Vil had kept their heads down this entire time, either to bow or to hide their expressions.

Leona had been avoiding everyone's gazes, yet one could easily tell that he hadn't been himself either.

Azul was immediately approached by the Tweels, while Jamil had gone to comfort Kalim as the boy couldn't hold back his tears.

Rook had been standing by Vil and Epel the entire time, one hand gently placed on Epel's shoulder.

Epel was holding Grim in his arms, avoiding everyone's gaze as well.

Judging by how seemingly devoid of life their eyes were, they had been grieving before they had come to report the news.

He had expected this to happen, so why?

Why did his chest ache so much? Why was there so much pain clawing at his heart?

He didn't wait for the rest of the meeting to end, after hearing what he needed to hear, he left.

He was lucky enough to not draw any attention towards himself as he left the school grounds made his way to Ramshackle.

But he only stared from a distance, he couldn't bring himself to stand too close.

How could he ever come by every now and then with the thought of never seeing them again clouding his mind?

"...I'm sorry."

Malleus slowly turned.

"I knew it was dangerous for them, for everyone, yet I couldn't stop myself..."

There, Ortho stood behind Malleus.

"I can only hope that you are not mad at my brother, I dragged him into it, so if you wish to punish us... Punish me, not him."

Malleus stayed silent even as Ortho bowed, the silence went on for a while before Malleus reached up to place his hand on top of Ortho's head.

"It's not me you should be apologizing to."

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