~Sway~ Ruggie x Reader

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Ruggie x Reader

(Quick A/N!
I don't think I ever mentioned that I don't associate any dorms to Y/N as they're supposed to be you, the reader or your oc, so whichever dorm you want to be in, just imagine that that's where Y/N is assigned.
But if you're in Savanaclaw then just pretend they're walking to Y/N's room.
That's all! Have fun!)


"Oi, Ruggie."

Ruggie looked up to see Leona leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed.

"Ah, Leona-san! Did something happen?"

"No, just wanted ta let ya know everyone's here. We're waitin' for you."

Ruggie nodded, getting up from the bed after putting on his shoes.

Leona pushed himself off the doorframe and began to walk off, Ruggie closed the door behind them, following not too far behind.

Once they reached the lounge, the whole room's chatter fell silent before erupting into a loud, cheery greeting.

"Happy birthday, Ruggie!"

Leona growled under his breath, scratching his head.

"Ugh... That hurt my ears..."

Ruggie chuckled, patting Leona's back.

"Happy birthday, Ruggie-senpai."

Jack bowed as he greeted, which left Ruggie a bit confused but shook it off as Jack always did this whenever he saw Ruggie and Leona.

"Thanks Jack, err... No need to be formal."


Ruggie's ears perked up at the voice, quickly turning around in time to catch them as they wrapped their arms around him.

"Happy birthday!"

You greeted the hyena happily.

"Aw, thanks Y/N, but did you have to jump on me like that?"

Ruggie chuckled, Leona was smirking while Jack covered his mouth, looking off to the side, his shoulders visibly shaking.

You didn't know why but quickly shook it off as you dragged Ruggie to wherever.

Leona and Jack watched as you two disappeared in the crowd, both chuckling as they shared a knowing look.


"Ugh... I'm exhausted..."

Ruggie mumbled, stretching his arms above his head.

"Well, it is pretty late."

You mentioned, sitting on the edge of his bed, checking the time on your phone. '10:12 PM'.

"You should head home too, Y/N. Come on, I'll walk you."

Ruggie motioned for you to follow him, but before you could protest, he was already out the door.

You hurried to follow behind him.

"Ruggie wait- Didn't you just say you're exhausted?"

Ruggie kept walking but he looked over his shoulder towards you.

"I am, but I'm not letting you walk alone this late."

"But then you'll be more exhausted having to walk all the way there and back!"

He simply shrugged.

"Better than not knowing if I'll see you at school tomorrow or not, now come on."

Ruggie faced forward once more and you hurried to walk beside him.

"So dramatic."

You said, playfully nudging his arm, making the hyena chuckle.

"If that's how you see it."

You continued on to walk in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company with the night's breeze.

Eventually you reach your destination.

"Alright, go change and get some rest."

Ruggie playfully pinched your nose, you chuckled and gently swat his hand away.

"See you tomorrow, Ruggie. Happy birthday again."

"Thanks Y/N, sleep well."

Ruggie waited until you closed the door before walking off.

Once back in his room, he immediately laid down and sighed, covering his eyes with his arm and falling asleep.

Only finding your present on his chair after he had woken up.


"Why were you two chuckling yesterday?"

"You hugged Ruggie, no?"

"Yeah...? What about it?"

"Ruggie-senpai's tail began wagging."

"You two! Shut it!"


I'm so sorry this is so late 😭😭
I already started one before his bday but I couldn't finish it cuz I didn't really like how it turned out so I remade it.
But then I fell sick last saturday and I've just been recovering.
I feel a little better now aside from coughs and colds, m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶a̶l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶h̶e̶a̶d̶a̶c̶h̶e̶b̶u̶t̶e̶h̶

What's in the present is entirely up to you!
Can you find the little easter egg?? 👀
Anyways, happy late birthday Ruggie and happy birthday Epel!

Epel istg pls come home you didn't come home during the Harveston event
Good luck on the Fairy Gala and Epel's bday showcase y'all
Epel's bday oneshot will be posted soon.

Have a great day/night, reader!

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