Dance (Dorm Leaders + Prefect)

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Asking them to dance at prom


‹{ Riddle Rosehearts }›

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‹{ Riddle Rosehearts }›

"You wish to... Dance? With me?"

Riddle repeated, confused.

You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek nervously, staring at the floor.

You looked up from the ground when you heard Riddle give a soft laugh, it was your turn to be confused but also anxious.

Did you say something funny?

"Ah... I apologize for laughing, that was rude of me."

Riddle apologized in between chuckles, composing himself before bowing slightly, one hand behind his back, offering his other hand for you to take, a gentle smile gracing his features.

"I accept your offer, let us dance to our heart's content, my rose."

You smiled, relieved, taking his hand and leading both of you to the dance floor.

You smiled, relieved, taking his hand and leading both of you to the dance floor

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‹{ Leona Kingscholar }›


Leona tilted his head to the side, raising a brow as he stared at you.

You waited patiently for his answer, after about a minute of silence, you averted your gaze.

Leona then scratched his head, clicking his tongue.

"Tch... You're serious?"

The lion asked, you slowly nodded which only made him sigh.

"You're one strange herbivore, you know that?"

You were about to bite back at him but then he grabbed your hand and tugged you towards the dance floor with the others.

"You didn't have to accept, you know."

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