~The Moon is Beautiful Tonight~ Sam x Male Reader

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~The Moon is Beautiful Tonight~
Sam x Male Reader


"Hey there, my little imp! How are you doing this fine day?"

Y/n chuckled.

2 years and the mystery shop's owner is still the same as ever.

"I'm doing alright, what about you?"

"Why, I'm doing fine as well, little imp. What do you need today?"

"Just some ingredients for tomorrow's tea party at Heartslabyul. And so, Ace, Yuu, Grim, Deuce and I went to get them."

Sam tilted his head a bit, that was enough for Y/n to know what he was thinking.

"Ah... They said they'll wait for me outside, I don't know why."

He nodded, smiling as he waved his hand.

"I see, well, what ingredients do you need, little imp?"

Y/n handed Sam his phone where the list was and the two began to check it off.

Meanwhile, Ace, Deuce, Yuu and Grim were outside, just as Y/n had said, waiting for him.

"Ah, this takes me back to when we helped Trey-senpai during our freshmen year here."

Ace sighed, Deuce chuckling as he shook his head.

"I can't believe we're already in our junior year."

"I hate to admit it, but I actually miss Riddle and the others..."

"Don't worry, Grim. I'm sure they miss you too, and don't forget that Riddle-senpai is only in his fourth year, maybe he and everyone else'll come by every now and then."

Yuu knelt down, gently patting Grim on the head, making the direbeast frown as he tried to shake Yuu's hand off.

"Myah! Don't pat me! And this is why I didn't want to admit it..."

Ace and Deuce chuckled.

"As annoying as the Queen's rules are, Riddle-senpai entrusted the new housewarden position to me, so I still have to follow it every now and then."

Ace shrugged.

"I still can't believe that Rosehearts-senpai made you the new housewarden. I mean, you were usually collared for breaking the rules."

Ace glared at Deuce.

"Oi— No need to remind us, jeez... But to be honest, yeah, I still don't know why he made me housewarden of all people."

Yuu smiled.

"All we know for sure is that he trusts you, he wouldn't have given you this position if he didn't."

Grim smirked.

"Or maybe he entrusted this position to you so that you'd at least learn to follow them."

Deuce and Yuu laughed, Deuce had to hold Ace from chasing Grim while Yuu had to hold Grim from running.

"Alright you two— Cut it out. Sam and I could hear you from inside."

Y/n chuckled as they exited the shop, closing the door behind them.

"Ah! You're done already? Here, let me take one of those."

Deuce reached over, grabbing one of the bags from your hand.

"That was quick."

Ace nodded as he also grabbed one of the bags from you.

"Here you are, Grim. I got you some tuna as well."

Grim's ears perked up at the bag full of tuna, jumping up and down as Yuu held the bag for hi.

"Well, if that's everything, let's go!"


"So... What's this all about, Sam?"

Y/n asked as he looked at the invitation that the man had sent him.

"Is it so bad for me to want to see you? Nobody should be up right now, so I thought; maybe we could spend some time together tonight. It's a full moon, you know?"

Sam pointed up at the sky, just like he said, the moon was bright and full in the night sky.

"The moon is beautiful tonight, don't you think?"

Y/n immediately turned to look at Sam, his eyes wide with surprise.

Surely it's not what he thinks it means, right?

Well, the smile that Sam gave was enough to tell Y/n that what he had thought was correct.

"...Yeah, it is."

He smiled back at him.


"So Y/n snuck out again, huh?"

Ace smirked.

"Ugh, I can't believe he still won't tell us..."

Grim pouted.

"You really still don't know, Grim?"

Yuu chuckled.

"No! Will someone tell me already?"

"In short, Y/n and Sam are in love."

Deuce replied, patting the direbeast.

"Huh? That's all?"

Grim blinked up at the three, confused.

"Y/n snuck out tonight to see Sam because he invited Y/n over to his shop."

Deuce added.

"Oh... OH!"

Grim gave a big grin.

"You get it now? Don't go telling everyone, though. It's their little secret~"

Grim nodded, covering his mouth with his paws. Though, it wasn't enough to hide his smile.


I'm sorry if this was short—
I hope this was still enjoyable to read
This was a request by zozocibib!

4 days before Vil's bday!
I apologize Vil, but harveston event is coming and I wanna pull for Epel and Sebek 😭

Anyways, have a great day/night, reader!

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