~I Know You~ Silver x Reader

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~I Know You~
Silver x Reader


"Silver, honey, are you ready?"

Lilia called out, knocking softly before pressing his ear against the door.

There was no answer, Lilia hummed quietly as he backed away from the door once more, Sebek frowned.

"Is he asleep?"

Malleus asked, a small chuckle following afterwards.


Lilia replied, reaching for the doorknob but Sebek quickly stopped him.

"Oh— Allow me, Lilia-sama."

Lilia smiled and nodded, allowing the boy to grab the knob.

"Silver, we're coming in."

The smaller fae called out, Sebek opened the door and... Yep.

There he was.

Slouched on his desk, arms folded under his head to rest, eyes closed, his long, silver lashes casting shadows on his cheeks.

"Human! Why are you asleep?!"

Sebek yelled, Lilia gave a soft laugh, Malleus a chuckle.

Lilia teleported over to Silver, floating upside down above him.

"Silver, dear?"

Silver shifted slightly, his eyes slowly fluttering open before looking up.

"Kufufu~ Good evening, nice nap?"

"Ah... Did I fall asleep again? Sorry..."

Silver sat up, leaning back on his chair.

"Your hair is a mess! Tsk, this is your party! At least be presentable for it!"

Sebek frowned as he walked over towards the boy, shaking his head before grabbing a hair brush and brushing his silver locks.

"Sebek, do you mind brushing Lilia's hair too?"

Malleus nodded over to Lilia's hair being messy from hanging upside down, grabbing the jacket hanging on the door and motioning for the boy to come over.

"Of course, Young Master. But is Lilia-sama alright with it?"


Lilia dropped on the floor and nodded, sitting on the chair Silver had previously sat on.

Sebek fixed Lilia's hair while Malleus helped Silver put his jacket on.

Once done, Sebek put the hair brush away while Lilia hopped back on the floor, both of them walking towards the other two standing by the door.

Silver yawned as he stretched his arms above his head, all four of them making their way to the lounge where the party was being held.

"Happy Birthday Silver!"

The venue greeted once the four entered the lounge.

"Thank you everyone for coming."

Silver bowed, smiling gently.

"I'll go grab us something to drink, do you guys want anything else?"

Lilia asked, the others shook their heads.

"Ah, but allow me to accompany you, Lilia-sama."

Sebek offered, Lilia chuckled and nodded.

Malleus gently tapped Silver's shoulder, the boy looked over towards the taller fae who motioned over towards someone.

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