~Locked in~ Epel x Reader

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~Locked in~
Epel x Reader


"Agh..! Vil-san that hurt!"

Epel hissed as Vil worked on his hair.

"Oh, stop moving so much! We're almost done."

Epel scoffed, glaring at Vil in the mirror.

"Merveilleux Monsieur Pommette! You look absolutely beautiful!"

Rook clapped in delight as Vil finished up, smiling proudly at his work.

Epel sighed, relieved that it was over.

"Stop that."


Vil frowned, firmly hitting Epel's back to make him sit up straight.

"Come now, the others are waiting for you."

Epel stood from his seat and the three walked towards the lounge where the party was being held.

"Happy Birthday Epel!"

The venue broke out into a loud cheer, Epel thanked everyone but Rook and Vil knew that his light blue orbs were searching for you.

You had already told the boy that you might be a little late due to a sudden errand Crowley made you do but, as selfish as it may seem, Epel wanted you to be here already.

When Epel couldn't find you, he turned back to find that Rook slipped away from him and Vil.

"Where's Rook?"

Epel asked, Vil shrugged, avoiding his gaze.

"Nothing you need to worry yourself over, go enjoy your party, he'll be back soon."

Vil gently pushed Epel, nodding him off.

Epel frowned but did as told, seeing the other first years in the crowd and chatting with them.

After a while, Grim joined them, jumping on Epel's shoulder which made the boy gasp.

Epel's eyes widen upon realizing that Grim was there, excitement bubbling inside him.

Why? Well, you and Grim were usually together so if Grim was there, you were bound to be nearby.

The boy began scanning the room for you once again, Grim pouting as Epel seemed to forget about him at that moment.

"Ah! Y/N!"

Epel almost screamed when he saw you, immediately running towards you and hugging you.

He had to restrain himself from picking you up and spinning you around.

"Geez Epel— Calm down!"

The boy smiled sheepishly, his index finger scratching his cheek.

"Sorry... I couldn't help myself."

You chuckled, shaking your head.

"Happy birthday!"

You greeted as you hugged him.

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