~SSR~ Shroud Brothers & Reader

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Shroud Brothers & Reader

O/N - Online Name


Three new messages.


‹{ Gloomurai }›
You on?

‹{ O/N }›
Did smth happen?

‹{ Gloomurai }›
Ortho wants to play with us.
The game Muscle Red and I were gonna play had an emergency maintenance due to some glitches and end time is unknown.
Ortho wanted to play in the meantime so...
Come on?

‹{ O/N }›
Be there in a bit, just need to set up.

‹{ Gloomurai }›


"I sent them the invite, Big Brother." Ortho then turned towards Idia.

"Are you sure you want to play Minecraft with us? I mean, you've excitedly been going on and on about how this new event is featuring your favorite character."

Idia didn't reply as he stared at his screen, but after a bit, he nodded slowly.

"...Yeah." He mumbled.

"They seem so down lately, I... I can't focus on my games if I know they're upset."

He stammered a bit.

Then, all of a sudden, the tips of his hair flushed pink as he began to stutter.

"N-not that I-i'm..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "I'm not good at comforting, I know. But... I just... Can't stand the thought of them being sad, you know...?" He murmured.

Ortho gave a soft laugh, gently wrapping his arms around his brother's shoulders in a small hug.

"I'm sure they would be happy just knowing that you care about them."

Idia's face grew more flushed at his words.

"Oh! They're here!"

Idia jumped a little as Ortho pointed at the screen.

"Y-yeah... Uh... Can you hear me, O/N?"

"I can hear you, Gloomurai."

"Hi Y/N!"

"Hello Ortho."


"Alright, well, that takes care of this area. How's your side looking, O/N?"

Idia asked as he moved his character towards where you were, sneaking as to not fall as he looked down.

"Eh~ It's fine I guess. A few more left and we can go back."

They looked up at Idia's character and then back to mining the ores you could find.

"Ah, it's turning night time, though. Is your sword still alright, Y/N?"

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