~Thank you for today~ Deuce x Reader

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~Thank you for today~
Deuce x Reader


"Happy birthday Deuce!!"

Deuce was greeted as he entered the venue.

"Ah— Thank you everyone!"

Deuce chuckled, still not used to having a lot of people greet him on his birthday as it was usually only him and his mother.

Riddle smiled as he approached the boy, stopping in front of him and bowing.

"Happy birthday Deuce."

Deuce smiled, bowing as well.

"Thank you Housewarden Rosehe— OOF–!"


"Happy birthday Deucy~!"

Ace greeted, wrapping his arm around Deuce's neck with a grin.

"Damn you Ace—"

Despite his words, Deuce chuckled softly.

Riddle thought about scolding Ace but seeing as Deuce wasn't bothered much by it, he let it go just for today.


The three turned to see Grim running towards them, Ace and Riddle stepped back as Grim pounced on Deuce who immediately caught him.

"Happy birthday!"

Deuce chuckled nervously, adjusting his arms to hold Grim better.

"Thank you Grim, but you didn't need to jump on me..."

Grim only laughed, not listening to Deuce's words.

"Grim, I'd appreciate it if you—"

"Ooh! You have a variety of food!"

Grim's eyes lit up, Ace shook his head and grinned.

"It's a party, of course there'd be lots of food."

"Look at those tarts!"

Grim jumped off of Deuce's hold and ran towards the table, only snapping out of his trance upon realizing that he was in mid air.

He looked up to see Trey holding him.

"Sorry Grim, but rule 89—"

"Rule 89: Never eat a tart before the Queen without the Queen's permission! You'd do well to remember that while you're in Heartslabyul, Grim."

"Myah... Stupid rules..."

Grim grumbled under his breath, his ears going flat as he crossed his arms.

"I heard that, Grim."

Riddle clicked his tongue, hands on his hips as he shook his head.

"Ah— Sorry I'm late...! I hope Grim didn't cause a ruckus?"

The five turned towards you upon hearing your voice, Trey shook his head and put Grim down.

"Not at all."

"He almost did."

Trey and Riddle spoke at the same time.

"I did not!"

Grim pouted as he ran towards you, stopping by your feet and reaching his paws up for you to pick him up.

"Ace? Deuce?"

Ace only shrugged as you leaned down to pick Grim up.

Ace turned to smirk at Deuce as you turned to give Grim a little scolding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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