Chapter 62

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I woke up to find myself on a hospital bed with an intravenous fluid pumping in my system. Dad was sitting beside me resting his head on the hospital bed I was laying on. I tried to sit up and in the process dad woke up. He helped me to sit up properly on the bed.

"Dad what happened and why am I here?" I asked and my voice came out patched and rough

"Dad please I need water my throat is so dry" I managed to speak out

Dad poured me a glass of water from the water jar that was in the hospital room and I drank it. I cleared my voice before speaking up again. I needed to know why I was here in the hospital instead of at home trying to resolve the misunderstanding that Eros has of me and Ethan.

"Last I remember we were at Ethan's parents place and Eros left angrily without letting me explain the situation to him" I said after I got my voice back

"Princess after Eros left and you saw the contents of those pictures you fainted so that was why you were rushed here immediately after Mrs Taylor told us you were pregnant. We couldn't put the baby's life in danger"

"The doctor said you have been under a lot of stress lately and that's why you fainted so my dear you have to avoid all sort of stress from now on and keep my grandchild safe" dad completed

"But what about Eros? I need to explain the truth to him. There is absolutely nothing going on between Ethan and I" I confessed to dad

"I know princess, well its your husband's loss for not believing you and letting some mere pictures cloud his judgement" dad said with a sad expression

"But dad anyone seeing those pictures will totally misunderstand so I really need to explain it to him" I told dad removing the intravenous fluid and trying to get up.

I stood up and my legs were wobbly and I felt so weak to move my legs.

"Dad what's happening to me I feel so weak to even take a walk"

I tried to take another step when dad rushed up to me and helped me to sit back on the bed.

"The doctor instructed you to fully take a rest and avoid all forms of stress and Mrs Taylor made me promise to strictly take care of you if not she wouldn't have left the hospital in search of her son because it seems he didn't go back to your home and nobody knows where he is either" dad told me

"And you are just telling me this. I feel so incapacitated. My marriage is about to fumble and I am sitting down doing nothing. I know how Eros threw away his pride to make this marriage work and this time I am going to fix it". I said with a tone of finality in my voice.

Firstly I need to get very strong to get out of this hospital and secondly I need to meet with everyone and Ethan to explain the situation so that we can all know the way forward. Since I am feeling very weak I needed to regain my strength first before doing any other thing

"Dad I need food, I mean a mountain of food that could fire me up at the moment" I said with much determination"


After Evelyn's betrayal I left to the private island I wanted to take Evelyn to on the vacation for our anniversary celebration. I needed to think and since I was hurting so badly I drank. I drank, threw up then drank again just to numb the pain but it wasn't working. My head was splitting into pieces because of the massive migraine but the ache in my heart was so painful compared to the migraine. Then I remembered Everest so this was how he felt when he knew about his girlfriend's betrayal. No wonder he couldn't bear it and he lost his life like that. Then I cried for Everest and for myself.

I stayed like that for four days till I decided it was enough pity for myself. I picked myself up for the first time in four days that I was here and went into the bathroom to have my bath. I took some pills to calm the migraine then I went to the kitchen which was fully stocked with food for the duration we were supposed to stay and cooked up something to eat. After eating I went to my room and passed out till the next day.

I woke up mid day of the next day and I still had the migraines because of the hangover from the alcohol I had pumped into my system for the last few days. I took some pills again and had my bath before preparing something to eat.

After eating I decided to go into town and get somethings for myself especially a phone. I lost mine and I didn't know when, where or how I lost it. I needed to make some urgent calls and I need to get back to work too. I have taken much time to tend to my heart ache. This was why I avoided falling in love at all cost because it doesn't last and you will definitely pay for that small amount of happiness you have had.

I went into town and got myself a new phone and made some arrangements to go back home. I made a call to my lawyer to get my divorce papers ready so that I will sign them as soon as I got home and he can go ahead and serve it to Evelyn. I don't want to get involved or see Evelyn during the period of this divorce so that I wouldn't hesitate or have second thoughts.

Honestly I have been a fool all these while I berated myself. I have always believed that there could never be a platonic relationship between male and female friendship but Evelyn made me believe otherwise but I was hit with the bitter truth again and this time around I have learnt my lessons. Well I deserved it since I choose to bask in the temporary happiness and have my heart crushed at the end.

After I had dealt with my heartache I decided to go back home and deal with the consequences of my actions as a man that I was. I couldn't run forever and I couldn't let a mere feeling like love bring me down because I am stronger than that. So the next day I was on a flight heading back to base.

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