hawks ~ traitor

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Villain hawks au. Kidnapping

Being a pro hero herself y/n was put in the same squad as the famous pro hero hawks, the mission wasn't easy there had been countless deaths of heroes trying to find the people who were possibly kidnapped by the villains to take their quirks or worse turning them into their experiment subjects.

The mission was going smoothly at the beginning as few of the heroes were able to locate the exact location of a few hostages along with possible villains, they had to be careful because they could be attacked at any given moment and they had no idea of how strong the villains were and their exact quantity, y/n was skeptical about the entire mission, she thought it wasn't planned well and more of a suicidal act than a mission, the hero management knew they could be killed due to lack of enough information on the villains but they still decided to run the mission.

Y/n asked the locations of the rest of the heroes as she asked them what they thought was the best to do on her earpiece when hawks flew and stood behind her in his calm demeanor, y/n looked over at him and asked him what was the next step when he went silent and looked over to a building, he then spoke how they need to first get inside that building use the other hero to stay on lookout as they rescue people, attacking the villains straight won't be right.

Feeling what hawks said could work she told everyone else the next step as they took their positions, careful they all got to the building looking for possible villains inside and entrances, the hallway of the building made y/n rethink everything, the building seemed too abandoned for even villains to be there or any sign of people, by the clutter and mess it was clear this wasn't the building hostages were in.

Turning around to tell hawks they were in the wrong building she bumped into his chest as he smiled as if reading her mind, he knew what she was thinking, she told him the building was the wrong one and took a side step to walk out when she was grabbed by none other than hawks who then called for someone, the name he used seemed familiar to those always appearing on news, she turned around to see a portal, she was pushed inside the portal falling onto the ground of another place, the villains hideout.

She sat up as she was surrounded by several known villains and several she's never heard of or seen, hawks walked behind her inside the portal signalling a villain to go end the lives of the rest of the heroes out there, y/n finally realizing what was happening began frantically trying to escape off the place through the portal but it vanished before she could pass by it, hawks chuckled as he now grabbed her throwing her over his shoulder and walking away from the room.

There was no effect of her yells or punches on hawks as he put her on the bed of a room, he got closer to her as he threatened to kill her if she doesn't stay quiet and obeying towards him, y/n called him a traitor as she felt disgusted just by his presence, hawks smiled at her words and reaction, he then left the room locking it before mentioning to her how he'll be back for her soon.

Thank you for reading 📖.

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