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Kazuha was headed to work as usual, just a tad bit late. She could only hope her boss wouldn't come around just yet. Which, she always did actually for some reason that Kazuha just didn't know. At least not yet.

It wasn't exactly her lucky day per se. Yunjin, her boss, was standing right next to her desk in her office, already shooting daggers at her with her eyes.
"Why are you late, Kazuha?" she asked, deadly calm.

"Uhm, sorry. I just stayed up really late last night and I slept in then I missed the bus so... yeah," Kazuha tried to explain but the blonde wasn't having it.

"Why were you up late last night?" she took a step closer to Kazuha, pushing herself away from the desk.

"I was working on the papers that you asked for, ma'am. I-I wanted to finish them on time," she stuttered a bit as she noticed that Yunjin didn't stop after just one step, now a bit too close to call it professional.

"Oh, is that so?" Yunjin asked, playing with Kazuha's tie, wrapping it around her hand then releasing it. Kazuha could swear she was about to explode. "Are you finished with it yet, hm?" she asked, looking Kazuha in the eyes.

"Not yet, but you're... really close right now," the brunette pointed out the obvious. Yunjin stepped back, still looking at Kazuha. "I actually fell asleep while I was working on one of those papers so I couldn't finish them, but I'm still on time, right?" Kazuha continued talking when she felt less tense without the blonde so close to her.

"You are," Yunjin replied curtly. "Meet me in my office at lunch break please. Bring your lunch," Kazuha didn't know what to reply to that. Nobody ever entered Yunjin's office, except the very important people. Does that mean Kazuha is important? She didn't know what to think so she just nodded and watched as Yunjin left her office.

As lunch time came around, Kazuha took her lunch and headed to Yunjin's office. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. She had no clue what this whole thing was about. And what was that in the morning? Yunjin was so close to her it basically would've taken one little move and she could've kissed her boss. What concerned her even more was the realization that she actually wanted to do that.

She snapped out of her thoughts and found herself already at the blonde's office door, ready to knock. But before she could even raise her hand, the door opened, revealing a rather eager Yunjin.

"Come in already, I've been waiting for like..." Yunjin checked her watch. "2 minutes,"

As they stepped inside, Kazuha looked around. It was simple and very Yunjin. She waited for the older woman to instruct her, not knowing where to sit or go.

"You can just sit there, Zuha," she pointed at one of the two chairs that were next to a table. She had a whole kitchen section in her office, wow.

"Zuha?" Kazuha asked, a bit taken aback by the nickname.

"Yeah, it's just us in here, I will call you whatever I like," Yunjin said, licking her lips. "You can call me whatever you like too,"

"O-okay, Yunjin," Kazuha replied, testing the waters with the name. Yunjin smiled at her then they both sat down at the table. "So why did you want me to come here?"

"No reason, just wanted to have lunch with my best employee. Who I also happen to think is really good-looking," Yunjin answered, shrugging, flashing her another smile.

"I honestly don't know what to say to that, I mean thank you, I think you look great too, but are you sure this is professional?" Kazuha gave the other woman a concerned look. She was unsure about this whole thing.

"And who said I wanted professional?" Yunjin answered her question with a question of her own. The brunette was simply left speechless. Did this woman really want more from her than a work-related relationship?

"Zuha, let me just," Yunjin stood up from her seat, walking to her. "How do you feel about this?" she asked as she sat down on her lap.

"I-I... I like it?"

"Is that a question?" the blonde chuckled at her flustered state.

"No, I mean... I like it. A lot," Kazuha said with more confidence this time.

"How about this, then?" Yunjin asked her, just before she pressed their lips together. The kiss was so soft, yet it made Kazuha feel a whole lot of different things. She felt nervous, excited, warm, she just felt good overall.  It didn't last long, Yunjin pulled away as she leaned back a little, now supported by Kazuha's arms around her waist. The younger didn't even realize she put her hands there, not that she minded it.

"That was the most amazing thing ever," Kazuha said, awestruck.

"You really liked it that much, didn't you?" Yunjin asked her teasingly, even though she herself enjoyed the little kiss they shared very much too.

"Yeah, and I would love to just stare at you all day, but I have to go back to work in 10 minutes and we haven't eaten our lunch yet," Kazuha said, nodding towards the clock with her head.

"You're right, let's eat," Yunjin said, getting off of Kazuha.

They ate their lunch peacefully, in silence even though Kazuha was in a rush. When they finished, Yunjin asked Kazuha if she could give her a ride home, and Kazuha said yes because, honestly, why wouldn't she?

The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly. When Kazuha exited the building Yunjin was already waiting for her outside. Kazuha led her to her car and even opened the passenger door for her. Then she went to the driver's seat, got in and started the car.

They talked about casual things during the car ride and at some point Yunjin took Kazuha's free hand and laced their fingers together. Kazuha blushed a little bit but neither of them said anything  about it, just enjoying the situation.

When they arrived in front of Yunjin's apartment, Kazuha stopped the car and Yunjin wasted no time in climbing over the gearshift and sitting on Kazuha's lap. She tugged on Kazuha's tie, pulling her in for a kiss, which led them to a make out session. Yunjin slipped her hand under Kazuha's shirt, resting he hands on her abs, still kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

By the time they stopped, they were both breathless and could only stare at each other. Yunjin took her hand out of the younger's shirt, and rested her head on Kazuha's shoulder, now hugging her. The brunette hugged her back,  giving her a kiss on the side of her head.

"I like this. I like spending time with you," Yunjin mumbled.

"I like it too," Kazuha replied. "I like you"

The blonde let out a gasp pulling back a bit to look at the younger. "Really? Zuha, I like you too, so much. Why do you think I was always at your desk with some lame excuse?"

Kazuha looked at her dumbfounded and let out a little "Oh". Then she simply said "Let's date then,"

"Oh my god, this is happening," Yunjin said to herself as if Kazuha wasn't even there. "Okay, yes. Let's date,"

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