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Being members of the popular girl group IVE, Liz and Rei were both rising stars in the industry, their fame only growing day by day. They've been really close friends  and everyone found them adorable. But recently Liz started feeling something more for Rei than friendship. She tried desperately suppressing her feelings, knowing damn well that a public relationship could jeopardize their career. However, at the same time, she felt like she had to let all these feelings out, she had to tell Rei about them.

When she felt ready to confess, they were on tour. But that wasn't even the worst of it. Rei had gotten into an accident and it was quite serious. She was taken to a hospital, Liz immediately going to check on her. She was awake, thank God, but her condition was not the best.

"I know you don't feel too good, but I'm just glad that you're awake at least," Liz said to Rei with a tired sigh, holding her hand. The other members already went back to the hotel after Liz promised that she would look after Rei for the night.

"Hey, it could be much worse, you know," Rei cracked a small smile, trying to ease the tension. Liz chuckled a bit, nodding her head. "I know this probably isn't the best timing but Liz, I need you to know this. I love you and I want to be with you. And I know what this could do to our careers if it got out publicly but I can't go on like this. I also don't know if you feel the same way but I wanted to get this off my chest," Rei confessed seemingly out of nowhere. Liz was stunned, of course, but soon felt overjoyed when it all sunk in. Feeling this overwhelming joy, she leaned down and kissed Rei.

But just as they were about to get more into the kiss, the door burst open, their manager stepping in. They immediately separated from each other but it was too late. He saw everything.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked, looking angry already.

"Look, I know we aren't supposed to be doing this, but I swear we won't let anyone know about us, not even the members if that's necessary. Just let us be together, please," Liz turned to him before Rei could talk, pleading with him.

"No. Just no, don't even try. It's absolutely not happening and I'm not taking any objections. I will bring some papers in a bit, you stay here," He said as he left, not giving them a chance to say anything else. They didn't even dare to say anything to each other so they just sat in silence, waiting for the manager to return. Liz couldn't believe this was happening. Everything was so perfect for a few seconds, but then it all just crumbled. And now they have to go through whatever this is in a hospital.

They didn't know how much time has passed but their manager finally returned with a few papers in his hand. "I know you aren't in the best condition Rei, but please understand. It's my duty to take care of this as soon as possible," he said, a bit calmer than when he left. "So, both of you need to sign this contract if you want to continue being members of IVE,"

"What is this about?" Rei asked.

"It basically prohibits any public display of affection towards each other publicly," he explained. "Remember, if you don't sign this right now, your careers are over. You are going to get kicked out," he continued in a threatening tone.

Liz and Rei just shared a silent look and nodded at each other, signaling each other that they needed to do this because they simply just couldn't give up on their dreams like this. So, as sad as it was for them, they just signed the contract without a word. The manager looked them both in the eye and nodded at them, then he left.

Liz looked at Rei sadly, only shook her head and then left the room too. Rei just stared at the ceiling, feeling lost. She wasn't sure if she made the right decision but there was no going back at this point. The only thought that made her feel a bit better was the fact that maybe, just maybe, they could have their moments in private.

Unfortunately for them, it didn't work out like that. As time went by, Rei fully recovered and the group went back to their schedules and promotions. But this contract they were forced into, the lack of affection and communication publicly between Liz and Rei put a strain on their relationship. They started distancing themselves from each other in private too, they didn't spend as much time together anymore.

They loved each other, but despite this, they felt suffocated and under too much pressure to handle all this. Not only was their relationship getting worse but also their performances. They couldn't concentrate as well and all the performances got worse and worse as time passed. Obviously, their manager noticed this and instead of talking to them about it, he talked to the CEO and got what he wanted, Liz and Rei got kicked out.

It was shocking for the fans and everyone in the group, no one understood anything, since the company did not state anything about the reason. Liz and Rei left as their dreams were shattered and their hearts were broken. They ended up going their separate ways, still in love, but unable to be together because of all this drama. All they could do at this point was wonder if they would have been better off without confessing their feelings at all.

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