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Chaeyoung found a cute café not far from where she lived and decided to see how it is. Who knows? Maybe she could find her new favorite place.

When she walked into the rather small café, the aroma of coffee immediately filled her nose. The whole place looked very cozy and had a nice vibe to it, really.  She scanned the café with her eyes quickly, and something caught her eye. More like someone. A girl was alone at a table in one corner, crying her eyes out. Now, Chaeyoung was never the greatest at comforting people but she was a good listener. And something drew her towards this random girl.

No one seemed to pay much attention to the crying girl, so Chaeyoung walked up to her. "Hey, uhm, excuse me, I don't mean to bother you or be nosy but are you okay? I can offer you some comfort, if you're up for it of course, not forcing you or anything. I can just leave," she said softly, her speech turning into rambling eventually.

The girl looked up at her with teary eyes, sniffling a bit. "Oh, hi. It was just a rough day, that's all, really," she answered.

Chaeyoung smiled at her and sat down on the chair across from her. "My name is Chaeyoung, by the way,"

"I'm Nagyung. You really don't need to stay here though, if you have other things to do. I'll be fine," the girl said.

"Oh, no, I have nothing to do. I was quite bored anyway, let me buy you a coffee at least," Chaeyoung offered with another smile that made Nagyung feel something weird. But she ignored it anyway.

Nagyung tucked some hair behind her ear, slowly nodding her head. "Okay, I guess,"

And that was how they first met, after this happened, they exchanged numbers  and started meeting up at that café almost every day. They slowly developed a deeper connection but neither of them dared to make a move for something more to happen between them. Both of them were worried. They worried about their friendship and what a potential relationship could do to it. They worried about the other not even reciprocating their feelings. And they also worried that they wouldn't have enough time for each other because their jobs would get in the way.

But after about 6 months of meeting at the café for hours and hours, Chaeyoung finally gathered the courage and confessed to Nagyung. The confession went well, Nagyung confessed to her as well and they ended up agreeing to take things slow.

Despite what they agreed on, they were quite fast to say their 'I love you's and were really happy with where their relationship was going. However, when they were around 4 months into the relationship, one of Nagyung's friends expressed her concerns to her.

"I just don't think she's good for you, that's all," Hanni said, looking at Nagyung worriedly.

"What are you talking about? Chaeyoung is amazing. The connection we have is unlike anything I've ever felt before," Nagyung replied defensively.

"It's just that I've noticed some things that worry me. Just wanna make sure you're not setting yourself up for disappointment or heartache," Hanni continued, making Nagyung even more frustrated.

"Why can't you just be happy for me? I thought you would understand that Chaeyoung makes me feel alive and whole," Nagyung couldn't help but feel betrayed on some level. Hanni didn't seem to have a problem with their relationship up until now.

"It's not that I don't want you to be happy, Nagyung. I care about you. And I'm just concerned because I've seen you hurt in the past and I don't want that to happen to you ever again," Hanni said softly. Nagyung's frustration was slowly turning into hurt as she was trying to process Hanni's words. She was defensive, but part of her couldn't help but wonder if what Hanni was saying might have some truth to it.

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