annyeongz pt2

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Wonyoung knew that the Yujin wasn't really fond of her. Which is why she didn't understand herself. Why would she even kiss Yujin? It was rather an impulsive, on the spot decision. In that moment, she just couldn't resist the temptation. Yujin just looked so pretty and she was so close...yeah she would definitely do it again if she got the chance.

Wonyoung was conflicted. On one hand  she wanted to kiss Yujin, but she still didn't know how she felt about the older girl. And now she couldn't even sleep because Yujin was there and her mind just wouldn't stop racing. It didn't seem like it was much of a problem for Yujin though. After 10 minutes or so Wonyoung turned around to look at her and the girl was sleeping peacefully as ever.

Wonyoung analyzed her face. Every little thing on her face was just perfect, she couldn't deny that. Now that she was thinking about it, she couldn't even pinpoint when she started her whole 'this Yujin girl is annoying and I don't like her' thing. Liz and Jisung had pointed it out on multiple occasions. She had no reason to not like Yujin.

Yujin stirred a bit in her sleep, shuffling closer to Wonyoung. The younger kept her cool and stayed in her place. She flinched a bit when Yujin threw an arm over her. Wonyoung told herself it was fine and didn't remove her arm because she didn't want to interrupt Yujin's sleep.

At one point, Wonyoung was too tired and fell asleep, only awakening to the sound of Yujin's alarm. Yujin still had her arm over her, now even closer to her. The older just grumbled but didn't make a move to turn off the alarm. Wonyoung eventually teacher over her, grabbed Yujin's phone and turned off the alarm. She fell back on the bed and saw that Yujin had her eyes open now, looking at her.

"Good morning," Yujin greeted her as if that conversation didn't even happen between them last night. Wonyoung just shot back a brief "Morning" to her then got out of bed to get ready.

"Oh, come on, Wonyoung, don't be grumpy already, it's just 7 in the morning,"

"Which is exactly why I'm grumpy," Wonyoung said under her breath but Yujin heard her anyway.

"Okay, no need to take that out on me then,"

"Yes, there is. You are being annoying, as usual," Wonyoung said. Yujin didn't reply, just shook her head and started to get ready too.

They had breakfast together, not speaking, both just scrolling on their phones. Hopefully today wouldn't be too long and they could go home already. They didn't even know what the programs were anymore. Probably going to a museum or something.

So, yeah, the day did pass by pretty quickly and they didn't have to spend it with each other so that was a plus. Yes, the class did go to a museum but it was better than expected. It was actually interesting and they enjoyed it.

On the bus back home, Yujin planned on sitting next to Heeseung again, but before she could even ask him, Wonyoung came up to her, demanding she sat next to her. She went with it because she knew Wonyoung wouldn't back down.

When Wonyoung plopped down next to her the younger wasted no time in asking for her phone number saying she needed it because they had something to talk about, in private. They had some nice conversations on the way back, which was quite shocking, considering that they never talk.

The next day was Sunday so they could rest. Yujin received a text from Wonyoung in the morning asking her if she could talk right now. She answered her immediately, saying yes. So when Wonyoung called her, she picked up her phone, really curious as to what Wonyoung had to say.

"Hey, Yujin," Wonyoung greeted her.

"Hi," she greeted her back.

"Okay, so first of all I'm sorry for being rude to you on the trip. I also have to tell you something that I probably should tell you in person but I can't do that because I'm too nervous," Wonyoung chuckled a bit at the end of her sentence.

"Alright, no hard feelings. It's fine really, I'm used to it kinda," Yujin said jokingly but it stung a bit for Wonyoung. "Sorry, yeah, uhm, what do you wanna tell me?"

"Yujin, you asked me if I liked you. I said no because I wasn't sure either. But I thought about it deeper and I really do think that I like you. All –or most of–my bitchy attitude was because I liked you. At least that part of my attitude that was towards you," Wonyoung said. "And I'm confessing on the phone–which is really lame–because I don't want to have to face your rejection in real life," she finished. Yujin was stunned for a minute at least. Wonyoung became more and more tense by the second.

"Wow, uhm, I never really expected this, Wonyoung," Yujin finally answered. "I think you are really beautiful and pretty and gorgeous and smart and funny and all that," she continued. "And you know what? I might like you, too,"

Wonyoung was delighted to her that and they talked for hours after that, only saying goodbye when Yujin's mom came up to her room to get her to come down and have lunch. They set up a date throughout their conversation. Yujin got to know another side of Wonyoung as they talked and she absolutely adored this side of her. So, in the end, maybe it wasn't that bad sharing a bed with the Jang Wonyoung on a stupid school trip.


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