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The birds chirped bright and early she was up before her brother for the first time in a while. She was happy her life was getting back on track she was excited to go into work she was hoping to see her brothers partner again she didn't expect him to look like that. He was pretty good looking to her he was tall, strong and  he had beautiful eyes. She heard movement coming from her brothers room she quickly finished up breakfast before he walked out his room.

McKenna's Pov:
I stood smiling next to the table as Danny walked out his room yawning. "Kenna? What are you doing up this early?" He asked I pointed down at the table he smiled softly. "What's this all about?" He asked I glared at him "There has to be a reason for me wanting to make breakfast?" I asked he looked up from the table "Coming from you? Yes" I rolled my eyes shaking my head "Woooow how rude Danny" he laughed a bit grabbing a piece of bacon "You aren't a morning person Kenna, you like to sleep you live that" I sighed deeply he had a point but I was excited for my first day.

"I'm excited today is my first day" I smiled he chuckled "Alright dork I'm going to wake Grace up and we will be down to eat" I nodded my head walking over to the coffee pot as he left to wake Grace up.  I poured my self a cup of coffee by the time I made it how I wanted it to be they came back in we all sat down and ate


Danny's Pov:
"So how is she doing?" Steve asked as we climbed out the Camaro. "Well Charlie wants to see us once we get back. You can ask her yourself" I told him he shook his head walking up to max "Alright max what do we got here?" Steve asked he went on explain how he died roughly forty eight  hours ago his death was also weird considering the bullets didn't kill him. "What do you mean the bullets didn't kill him? Three to the chest right there" I pointed to the body max looked up at me. "Yes you are right detective Williams, but with the way his pupils are dilated means he was drugged severely causing a over dose. If that didn't kill him then the three to the chest would of done it" Steve smirked looking over at me I rolled my eyes.

We finished up what we had to do and headed back to the headquarters to see why Charlie needed us. "Alright Charlie what's up?" Steve asked walking into the room. McKenna wasn't anywhere to be found "Wait, where's my sister?" I asked Charlie smiled pointing we leaned offer a bit to see her deep into paper work and going over stuff "She's a hard worker I must say if it wasn't for her I would have weeks worth of information from you guys to fill out. She's halfway done already I smiled softly to my self. "Excuse me" I held my hand up making my way over to her "Hey"she looked up then back down I looked back at the boys and back at her "Hey" she sighed placing her pen down she turned facing me. "Yes?" She asked I looked at the boys one more time then back at her

"Okay, first of all excuse me for bugging you. Second I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. Tonight after work we can go where ever you want okay?" I smiled she thanked me and we chatted for a second before I went back over to figure out what Charlie needed.

  -After work-
McKenna's Pov:
"Soo have you decided where we are going?" Danny asked me as we all walked out Five-o. "No actually I've been so busy I didn't think of a place" Danny smiled shaking his head "That's fine we can go to our normal spot" about twenty minutes later we were sitting there at the restaurant laughing and chatting it up. "Do we want to put In any appetizers in?" A waitress asked us we decided to do that and then order some food. Once she got our orders Danny stood up. "I would like to take a moment and put all the focus on my sister McKenna. You came with me all the way from New Jersey you didn't want to be away from Grace." I smiled down at her wrapping my arms around her "You did stay on my couch for a while till we got a house with a room for you once you moved into a room we got you a job with the crime lab" I smiled up at Danny as he smiled down at me he grabbed my hand softly.

"I'm so very proud of you to McKenna" he held his glass up everyone joined in holding there drinks up. Steve sat across from me and Danny to my left and Grace on my right I felt like I was home. Everything fell perfectly into place and it was like one big happy family. As the time moved on I ended up sitting next to Steve while danny talked to Grace about staying with Rachel tonight since we would be out late. "So Danny tells me you were a Navy Seal?" He nodded his head sitting his beer day. "Yes I was for six years and five for Naval Intelligence" I leaned back in my chair taking a sip of my beer. "Well thank you for your service" he smiled at me softly nodding his head "What about you?" He asked I shrugged my shoulders "I can make a paper football" he laughed a bit I smiled "No I'm kidding, I didn't serve  for my country but I did go to school all for the criminal stuff just never did criminal justice maybe one day" he nodded his head the rest of that night me and him chatted the whole time getting along with each other very well.

Let It Be Me ~  Steve McgarrettWhere stories live. Discover now