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(A/n: No that is not what McKenna looks like. Just imagine a female Danny but a bit taller not to tall. This chapter will be longer then the others and it also involves Woman Abuse, Shooting to kill, Cutting, blood and gore, Rape and PTSD!! skip ahead to this mark - **skip to here** - is at if anything like that can trigger you! )

The room was dark and cold. She was tied down to a chair she didn't know what was going on or why these men were in her house. All she can think of is never seeing her family again. Her mind leads straight to the things she would of done differently in her life. She was scared all she wanted was to see Steve and her brother walk through that door right now and untie her and go back to the normal life but she knew. She knew that moment that door opened it wasn't going to be them it was going to be the man who took her.

McKenna's Pov:

I slowly opened my eyes. The room was dark and cold water dripped on me there was rat noises all around me the door creeped open I looked up to see two men walk in a light flipped on I winced looking to the side letting my eyes slowly adjust once they did the guys were standing in front of me there was a small table beside us full of tolls. I looked up they stood tall "Still don't remember me do you?" He asked crouching down holding a knife towards my face. I glared at him for a moment studying his face "Want a reminder?" He asked I nodded my head

He smirked at me he unbuttoned his shirt once it opened I saw the tattoo. Nick he was my sister's ex me and Danny beat his ass and threw him in jail because he was beating on my sister and drugging her up to sale her body for money. He smirked kneeling down as I glared harder at him "Ahhh there she is, How you been McKenna?" He asked me tapping my thigh with the knife I looked down at it "Oh don't worry it don't hurt see" she cut my leg I muffled out a cry and tears rolled down my cheek's while blood trickled down my thigh

"You must be wondering how I got out" he stood up wiping my blood off on his jeans "You see there is this thing called good behavior and well I did so well they decided to shorten my sentence and pop out come's saint old nick" he spun around in a circle "Now you see I use to live your sister. Oh but you McKenna there was something about you that just drove me insane" he waved his hands around "Oh sorry it's so wrong of me to be able to talk and you can't" he ripped the tape off I spit in his face. He closed his eyes using his sleeve to clean his face off. He stood there for a moment before back handing me across the face. My head whipped to the side I spit out some blood "Fuck You Nick" I said looking up at him. He laughed walking over to the table "My Pleasure" he walked up to me in buckling his pants he walked up using his foot kicking my chair backwards. I fell back hitting the floor he cut the ropes off my legs I kicked him hard in the jewels he groaned loudly I flipped my self over hard enough to break the chair off the floor I went to stand up.

I was lifted up by my throat pinned to the wall. I gripped his wrist as he smirked squeezing my throat. "Now that's not lady like is it McKenna?" He asked his free hand traced up my thigh he still had the knife in his hand he slid it up to the top of my shirt cutting it off my body the knife sliced along my stomach not deep at least but good enough to leave a scar. I winced in pain gripping his arm harder he let go softly "Now let's have some fun" he grabbed my chest

Steve's Pov:

"So apparently he's been tracking McKenna ever since he has gotten out look" Jerry rushed in plugging something in to the table swiping up putting photos all up on the screen's in front of us and soon as I noticed there was the photo of me and her kissing up there "Wait a second, what's that photo" Danny asked pointing to the exact photo I didn't want him to notice but he did. "I can explain" Danny looked at me and shook his head. "You care about my sister then. You are going to bust your ass and help me find her do you understand me bud?" He said rudely I held my hands up "Obviously" I said he turned towards the screens

"Alright a Jerry what else do you got?" Danny asked we turned towards the table everyone was quiet "Guys" Danny clapped his hands Jerry shook his head "Right sorry anyways, apparently he has been watching you also danny there's photos of you and Grace or your ex with Grace and her brother"  Jerry went through more and more things about this man. "Okay so all we got is he's a creep. Noted but that don't help us know where my sister is!" He slammed his hands down on the table "Danno, we will find her you have to trust me." I said stepping forward he sighed looking down at the table sighing deeply. "I want whatever you find on this man I want it to come straight to me understand!" He said we all nodded our head's and we went and got to work

  -Hour later-

McKenna's Pov:
I sat in the corner of the cold room. I was shivering wet and bloody I hugged my knees to my chest rocking back and forth the events that went down in this room will scar me for the rest of my fucking life. The door's unlocked agian I backed away quickly "Time to make a phone call princess" he smirked walking in tossing ropes over the pipes above us. He made sure it was tight enough to hold me he walked over gripping me up off the floor shoving me I walked over towards the ropes he tied my hands up.he used the long rope yanking my arms up I groaned in pain.

"Let's make a phone call shall we." He smirked propping the phone up pulling up a chair hitting dial he sat behind me holding the top a light was shined one me that's all you see. Once Danny's and Steve's face popped up on screen I teared up "D-danny" I called out crying he stood there his facial expression's changed. He yanked on the ropes hard taking my arms up harder causing my shoulder to pop out of place I screamed loud in pain. It was a bloody murder scream Steve face changed to pissed everyone in the five o knew what that face meant when it came across his face.

"Mr.Williams, I want to make a deal with you" he said behind me holding the rope "don't take the deal danny I'm alright" I called out he yanked the rope higher I cried out in pain. "OKAY OKAY STOP HURTING HER ILL TAKE THE DEAL!" Danny yelled out he let me down a bit to ease my shoulder he grabbed a knife walking up to me. "Now I know McKenna means a lot to your little family and that failed task force of a team of yours" he placed the knife above the top left of my boob.  He slowly dragged it down cutting the cup of my bra not too far he smirked grabbing it with his hand. "Such a beautiful lady wouldn't you think so Commander McGarrett?" He smirked at me I glared at him he turned facing the camera

"I have her nice and ready for you when you want to have so bed time fun, now for that deal" he said he took the phone leaving me hang there from the pipes he soon came back and slid my jeans off once again. This time he made sure he had full access to me. He never did finish in me which was a thankful thing but it was pleasant it wasn't with who I wanted it to be with.

**skip to here**

As the time went on I fell asleep hanging there gun shot's went off out side the room I looked up slowly struggling at the ropes. Steve walks in and runs up to me "S-Steve?" I questioned he pulled a knife out from his thigh cutting the rope's I fell landing into Steve's arms "I gotcha baby girl I gotcha" he slowly lifted lowered me down he took his vest off quickly he took his top off sliding it over my head he put his vest back on "W-what are you doing?"  I asked him he lifted me up off the floor.

"Rescuing you, Once I saw the background of where you were I knew where to go Danny don't know we are here" I wrapped my good arm around his neck keeping my arm held against my chest. "Who is we?" I asked once we stepped out the room there she stood shouting at the men who kidnapped me "Alright the hallway is now clear no sign of Nick we have to get her out of here" she said jogging up to us she looked at me. Honestly after what all went down today I'm not even mad I laid my head on Steve's chest taking in his sent which calmed me down

"T-thank you" I coughed out she nodded her head "Come on we got to get out of here let's go" we took off with the amount of blood I've been losing I've been getting more dizzy and everything was becoming a burr last I remember is seeing Catherine shooting someone

Let It Be Me ~  Steve McgarrettWhere stories live. Discover now