Max Verstappen - Fake dating

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You were working on your biology homework when someone's voice interrupted you. "I need you to help me study." You looked up from the textbook you were looking at to see who was talking to you. Big blue eyes were staring at you. "Excuse me?" You asked. "You heard me, I need you to help me study. I am failing three classes." "So? Why would I help you?" You closed your textbook, ready to walk away from this conversation. "Because you don't have friends and I can make you popular." "Ouch, that hurt." You put your hand on your chest. "I am not gonna help you, Max. Find someone else." You stood up and grabbed all your stuff. "Please y/n, I need to pass this few tests otherwise I can't drive anymore." You knew how much auto racing meant to Max. You thought about it. Being seen with Max wouldn't be so wrong, maybe someone would finally pay attention to you.

"On one condition." "I will do everything." He dropped to his knees and grabbed your hands. "Please stand up, you're acting like a fool." You said to him and pulled him back to his feet. "What is your condition?" Max asked desperate. "We pretend we are dating." Max scoffed. "No one is going to believe that." "Well, good luck with your tests. Bye, Max." You walked past him and left him speechless.

It was a few hours later, you laid on your bed and thought back at the moment in the library. Max was kind of right, you didn't have many people to talk to. That's why you suggested to date. You didn't think someone would believe it too but it would be nice to talk to someone one a daily basis. You didn't expect that Max would decline your offer so hard.

Were you that desperate? To fake date someone for the attention. You heard a knock on your door.  "Y/n, there is a boy downstairs. Claiming to take you out on a date." Your mom said. "I think he is at the wrong address." You said, a bit confused about your mom's words. "I don't think so, he specifically asked for you." Now you were getting a bit curious about who it was, you walked to your window and looked outside. You saw the dark blond-haired handsome man from the library. "Max." You whispered. How did he know where you lived? "He is a handsome young man, y/n. Why don't you go out with him?" Max looked up and saw you looking at him, he waved and gestured to come down. "Tell him I will be down in ten minutes." Your mom left your room and let Max inside. Was Max this desperate to agree to date you?

You changed into a knee-length dress and put on a bit of makeup. When you got downstairs you heard Max and your mom chatting. "You look beautiful," Max said when he saw you. "Those are for you." He gave you a bouquet of flowers. "Thank you, those are my favorite." It was a bouquet of pink and white daisies. "Let me put them in a vase for you, dear." Your mom said. "Shall we go?" Max asked. You nodded your head. "I will bring her home before midnight miss y/l/n." "Oh don't worry about the time Max, have fun." Your mom waved you goodbye and closed the door behind you. "I don't know what you said to her but she is already a fan of you." You said to Max. "I just treated her with respect, that's all." Max offered you his arm and together you walked through the streets of your neighborhood.

"I am sorry for what I said to you in the library, for you not having many friends." Max broke the silence. "Thank you, it's not that you are not right though." You smiled softly. "Don't you get lonely?" He asked. "I am sorry if I am too direct, I just wonder what it would be like to sit alone all the time." "It is, sometimes," you admitted. "But I also like to be on my own, I don't have to stick to other's plans. I can do what I want, whenever I want." You answered. "What's it like to be around people, constantly?" You asked him back. "Exhausting, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I love my closest friends but sometimes the popularity is a bit too much. I need to be on every moment of the day, I can't be rude or annoyed by them otherwise it would be bad press. They always expect me to be everywhere, that's maybe one of the reasons I am failing my classes." "Well, if they are your friends they would care a lot more about you getting better grades than hanging out with you." "And that says the girl with no friends?" He joked. "Ha ha, well I am not failing any of my classes. So who's laughing now?" You smiled at him. He shook his head and didn't answer your question.

The two of you walked for another ten minutes before you arrived at a restaurant. To your surprise Max had reserved a table. "You reserved a table? You didn't even know if I would say yes." "I just hoped you would say yes." Max blushed a little. He helped you with your coat and chair and sat across from you. "So, what do you want to drink?" Max asked you.

It was already two months ago since Max showed up at your door to take you out. Since that day the two of you spoke more at school and started fake dating. You didn't kiss each other but hugging and a bit of teasing was the way you act around people, who - surprisingly - all fell for your act.

To keep up your part of the deal, you helped Max study two or three times a week. It was actually quite nice to hang out with someone so often and talk to him on a daily basis. You didn't only talk about school stuff but also about personal things.

Max changed seats in a few classes you had together to be closer to you. He actually liked your company very much, he found you quite funny and pretty. Those grey-blue eyes drove him mad sometimes. Luckily for Max, you didn't speak Dutch, because he cursed a lot about it.

Max got better at the subjects and also got better grades, thanks to you. The last few weeks you felt a bit of tension between the two of you, not that anything happened but you started to like each other as friends and appreciated each other's company.

Tonight was one of those evenings where the intention was to study but you ended up watching a movie in his bedroom. Max lived with three other guys and they were gaming in the living room. So you sat side to side, shoulders pressed against each other and watched a documentary about the mind. Eventually Max put his arm around you what was a lot more comfortable.

"Miss me already, baby?" Max teased when he picked up the phone. A few minutes ago you left his house because it was already getting late and you had a literature test tomorrow. You were walking to your house now, Max offered to bring you with his car but you needed time to think about the feelings you were developing for Max. "Max." You had to put on some effort to speak as softly as you could. "What is wrong y/n?" "I- I am scared, Max. I think someone is following me." You said, almost out of breath from walking as fast as you could. "Where are you?" His voice turned stone cold. You told him the street you were passing by. "Keep on walking straight, don't take any turns. I will be there in a few minutes." You looked over your shoulder and saw the person getting closer, you increased your speed and almost tripped over your own feet. You passed your own house, you were too scared to get in. There was no one at home so you would have to get the keys from your backpack, that took too much time now.

Not even three minutes later you heard tires screeching over the pavement. A black Honda stopped right behind you, blocking the way between you and the creep who was following you. Max and three other guys jumped out of the car. While Max rushed towards you, the other guys chased after the creep.

"Are you okay?" Max hugged you and started touching parts of your body.  "Are you hurt?" He asks worried. "No, I am fine." "Are you sure?" He pulled you in for another hug "Yes Max, I am fine." "I was so worried when you called me." "What? I am okay. I am sorry I called you." "Are you serious, y/n?" "What? Were you really worried about me?" "Yeah, of course, I care very much about you." You got a warm feeling inside when he said that. "But this, fake dating you're not supposed to care and everything." You waved with your hands in the air. "Does this feel fake to you? Does my fear I have for you getting hurt, feel fake to you?" Max looked angry but also worried. "N-no." You murmured. "Tell me, if the roles were reversed and I got hurt, how would you feel?" "I would lose my mind." You admitted. "Exactly, this isn't fake anymore." You looked up at him with big eyes. "Are you serious?" "Let me prove it to you." He leaned down and kissed you "Yo, we couldn't catch him but oh-." One of Max' friends said. You broke the kiss and stared at Max his blue eyes. "Seriously? We are chasing a creep and you are here making out like nothing dangerous just happened!" Another one said. "Get in the car, I will bring you home." Max said.

Eventually he stayed that night with you because although you said you weren't scared, Max was a bit scared that the guy would come back. Tomorrow you were going to the police station to see if you could do something about it but for now you felt very safe with Max by your side.

Hiii everyone,

Here's another one shot, this time about the three time world champion Max Verstappen! I am sad that the season has ended already, the time flew by real quick. I am just hoping that next season Lando will get his first win and that Charles and Carlos are able to compete for WC.

Thankyou for reading my story


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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