George Russell - Needles

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You had been a nurse at the intensive care unit for more than three years now and you really loved your job. You never had more than three days off in a row, there was no one waiting for you at home so you didn't see the point in having vacations or free periods. You were always working and covering shifts for other people but after today's shift you had five weeks vacation. You recently started dating a formula one driver who you met at the hospital you worked at. He invited you to watch the last race of the season in Abu Dhabi and then go on a little vacation with him. Your relationship was still at the begin stadium but you liked the idea of spending more time with him, alone. You were both quite busy with your jobs but now it was time to relax.

On the day you met your boyfriend one of his friends had an accident, they brought him to the ER to be sure that everything was alright. It looked worse than it actually was, his ankle was just swollen. Not broken nor sprained. Your (now) boyfriend and one of his friends got bored so they decided to explore the hospital while they were trying to find out who could run faster.


You just finished your hectic shift and walked to the exit of the hospital. You planned on getting a nice and warm bath to relax your muscles and go to bed early. You didn't feel like cooking so maybe you would order some Chinese or pizza or pasta, you still had a few hours to decide. You were having a conversation with your colleagues so you didn't look in front of you when someone knocked you to the ground. You hit your head hard on the ground and felt a little dizzy after. The young men offered his hand to pull you up but some of your colleagues pushed you back down. They checked your pupil reflex and asked you many questions who you could answer all correct but they still brought you to the ER for an extra check up. The young men felt extremely guilty and apologised more than twenty times. At first you were a little mad at him but his concern about you was kinda cute.

After an hour you were cleared to go home, but you had to take it easy the next day. Lucky for you it was your day off. You packed your stuff and wanted to leave the room when someone pushed a bouquet of flowers in your face. "I am so so so deeply sorry." The young men said. You took the flowers and smiled at him. "It is fine, really. Don't worry about it ...." "George." He filled in his name. "Don't worry about it George." He laughed a little, oh boy he was shy. "I will send you the medical bill tho." You joked. "Oh yes, yes of course. Wait." He grabbed the little card from the bouquet and wrote his number on it. "I was joking, my insurance are good enough to cover it." "O, well. Text me when you get home safe, I don't want you to crash on your way home and die." "You are being a bit of a drama queen there, but I will text you. Have a good evening." You said and waved at him. "Yes, you too." Little did you both know that it wasn't ending at a simple I am home text.


You knew George needed a vitamin shot once in three months and since you were a nurse he asked you to give it to him. On your way home you picked up the things you needed to give George his shot and texted him that you would be there in less than an hour. When you got home you packed your stuff for Abu Dhabi and your little vacation and got as soon as you could to George his apartment. You were surprised when you saw two familiar cars in front of George his apartment.

You took the stairs upstairs and used the key George gave you. You dropped your stuff on the ground and walked into the living room. "Boys, what are you doing?!" You asked, you knew how childish they could be but this was next level. You saw Alex and Lando taping George to a chair. "We are protecting you from getting hit." Lando said and put his hands on his hips, looking proud at their creation. "Hii babes." George said and pouted his lips to get a kiss from you. "This lill fella here is afraid of needles." Alex said and put another layer of tape on George his body. You shook your head "Are you really that afraid?" You asked and all three nodded their heads at the same time. Lando showed you some videos of George running away from nurses with needles.

After they told you multiple times not to remove the tape and almost taped your hands together, you started to rip of the tape. "I am not giving him his shot when he is taped to a chair. I will do it in my own way." "Well we tried to warn you, but it is at your own risk now." Alex said and helped you to remove the tape. "Last time I hit a nurse by accident, I don't want to hit you. I am still sorry for the time I almost gave you a concussion." He said and took your hands in his and squeezed them a little. "You know you are adorable when you say those things." You bow your head and placed a little kiss on his forehead. Lando and Alex both made gagging noises. "Oh shut up you two, you are just jealous." George said and wrapped his arms around your body. "Very jealous, I want a kiss too." Lando admitted. You looked at George for his permission, which he gave and you gave Lando a little kiss on his cheek. "Happy now?" You asked him. "Very happy." He nodded and turned a little red. Lando had filmed that you gave him a kiss on his cheek and posted it on his Instagram story. Mr steal your girl @georgerussell63. Although George and you were not completely open about your relationship to the rest of the world you didn't mind Lando placing this on his Instagram story. Sooner or later everybody will find out about you two dating.

Alex and you cooked dinner for the four of you, you didn't know what you were making but it smelled delicious. While you ate dinner you made some plans about traveling together, Alex was invited by Max to fly with him to Abu Dhabi. He quickly texted Max asking if the three of you could join, what wasn't a problem at all. You really liked the idea of traveling with a private plane. After dinner the boys left and George and you decided to go to bed early. It was going to be an exhausting day tomorrow.

"Y/n, are you coming?" George yelled from the bed room. "Yes, I'll be there in a second." You made George his shot ready, not planning on telling him when you were going to give it to him. He lay down on his stomach waiting for you to join him in bed. "Want a massage before going to sleep?" George asked. "What a generous offer, mr Russell. Shall I start with you?" You asked him. You didn't need to say that twice to him. You sat down on his lower back and started with his arms and shoulders, going lower and lower and when you arrived at his butt you gave him his shot. Before he could really react you were already done. "Ouch, that was less painful than normally." George turned around under you so you were facing him now. "Yeah that's because you didn't know it was coming." "Well next time I will book you again as my home nurse, but with the massage of course." You laughed at him, dork.

He started at your eyes for a moment and than at your lips and than back at your eyes. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue, it was your favourite colour. He placed a string of hair behind your ear and pulled you closer to him, making you sit on his lap. He kissed you softly on your lips, on your cheek, in your neck, on your collarbone. His lips were everywhere, his hands were traveling up and down your back. You placed one of your hands on his neck and pulled him closer to you, the kiss became intenser and not much later your t-shirt and bra flew across the room. He was getting hard, you felt it trough the thin fabric of his boxershorts. George turned you around, he was on top now. You were not going to get a massage tonight, but this was way better.

Hello !

About today's race:
I am absolutely gutted about Max his accident. I am glad he is okay and cleared from the hospital but man I am still so mad thinking about that dangerous move from Lewis. Looking at the footage when he left plenty of space to Charles (luckily)........ My respect for Lewis dropped like an elevator without cables.
I think it's disrespectful to Max how Hamilton celebrated his win.
Charles and Lando are the winners of today in my opinion.

Thanks everyone for reading my story!

Requests are open.

Cheers !

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